Site Reviews

Our site reviews have become very popular, even given the informal process often required by a 5 minute check-up. The last Strider “florist site review” webinar went nearly 3 hours – that’s 2 hours longer than scheduled!

Since then we’ve had many more requests for reviews. We will now begin posting the reviews here instead of in the FlowerChat forum, since this makes them easier to find and refer to later on.

Want your site reviewed? Just let us know in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Site Reviews”

  1. I don’t know how I can rank higher on Google. I’m happy with my ranking on yahoo, but I’m aware that most people use google more than yahoo.
    I appreciate your review of my site.

  2. We are a florist in Sydney Australia and would love some feedback on our ranking. We rank well under Sydney Florist but not flowers. Any suggestions?

  3. Nancy 9.7.08
    Would like a site review–we are in the process of updating our site to
    make it our “own” before we add a shopping cart. All suggestions
    are welcomed.

  4. Hi Ryan,
    This is an area in which years ago, I would have gladly tackled myself, but now, what with age and lots of other vices, my brain does not take on new information too well. I would love for you to give us a site review. Will then be able to hand it over to someone else to fix! Thanks for ALL you do for our industry.

  5. I would very much appreciate a review. Reading through the information you suggested on Flowerchat makes me realize that I must become much more tech savvy, to grow the business, but it sort of scares me because I have virtually no knowledge in this stuff. Even a lot of the language seems foreign.
    However, no time like the present.
    Please let me know about fees etc., and any other information you need.
    Thanks very much.

  6. Ryan,
    I would love a site review. I’m well aware of the need for a good site and I know some areas of my website that I feel need work. I’d love to know if you they match yours. And any tips for improvement will be MUCh appreciated.

  7. If you could give me a site review that would be great. I’m not expecting that it will be amazing. I’m just curious where I’m at with my site. Thank you!

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