Hi Twila, you asked about the 1/2 orbs, I was very lucky that the church had hooks on the first 3 pews to use, so I didn't have to come up with anything...Thank goodness!
Aww... thank you so much! And its ok, you can talk behind my back all you want, as long as its good! I am a firm believer that everyone here has something to contribute. If we all just keep listening to each other, perhaps we can survive this economy! Two heads are always better than one.
Just wanted to stop and say hi, i hope everything calms down soon, i hate what has happened and I hope you dont stop posting Twila as I for one would miss you lots, Paula xx
Twila, I have decided that I probably will go into Kansas City on June 11, I will not change the reservations until I hear from you on your exact plans.