Article Flower Trend Forecast 2015 Now Available

Katie Hendrick

Contributing Author
Jan 19, 2014
State / Prov
Want to earn the business of the newly engaged? Or land the town’s biggest springtime gala?

To appeal to the fashionable and fabulous, who often have deep pockets, you’ll need to convey that you’re a florist in the know. Fortunately, you can get up to speed in a jiffy by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Bill Schaffer, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, and his wife and business partner, Kristine Kratt, AIFD, PFCI, of Schaffer Designs in Philadelphia have done some serious legwork on your behalf. They've spent the past year traveling the world on product development trips, scouring fashion blogs for emerging color and patter combinations, attending event expositions and conferences, studying event blogs and publications, analyzing social media posts, and scrutinizing home décor colors, textures and patterns.

Their findings are now available in the International Floral Distributors’ Flower Trend Forecast 2015. You can get in-depth examples of the four biggest looks—Majestic, Lapis Luxury, Kaleidoscope and Modern Garden — on YouTube or at
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