Article One Easy Way To Be A More Grateful Boss

Katie Hendrick

Contributing Author
Jan 19, 2014
State / Prov
An important quality of effective leadership is giving positive recognition to your team for a job well done. And what better time to do that than at Thanksgiving – and the final weeks of the year, when we reflect on what happened in 2014 (snow, snow and more snow, right?).

Many of us though don’t show our appreciation nearly as much as we could, says executive coach Marshall Goldsmith. Perhaps it’s because we get tunnel vision focusing on our to-do lists. Maybe we’re afraid our compliments will come off as phony or forced.

In a recent video for, Goldsmith shared an easy tip that transformed one of his client’s relationships with his employees:

1. List the important people in your life. “Not just those at work, but your family and friends too,” Goldsmith said.

2. Twice a week, ask yourself if any of these people did something that really made you happy. If so, tell them. “It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate,” Goldsmith said. “Just a little note—a voicemail or an email.” If they didn’t do anything, then don’t say anything. “You won’t feel like a hypocrite,” Goldsmith said.

Don’t wait for Jan. 1 to make this a new resolution. Make a point now to look for the good in the people who matter most to you. Not only will you improve your feedback skills, you’ll also feel better in general as your gratitude increases.