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  • I have been looking for new ways to package our Amenity Baskets. These will be fabulous because I KNOW that today's brides love funky.

    I found these here:

    I discovered this site by accident. Billions of ideas. Check out the bridesmaid dress party favors.
    Hi Thom, it's been forever since I have been on and am so impressed with your page. It was just fantastic & fresh inspirations! So happy to see you have kept up with posting your ideas. -Maria



    Taking a simple battery tea light, a piece of vellum, some ribbon, fasteners, a slow day, a couple of bored designers, set up an assembly line, and you have a great impulse item for weddings. We set ideas like this on decorated Manzanita Trees in our consultation room in direct view of our clients. It's easy to sell an additional $3 lantern for high arrangements. We recommend 5.

    The ones we make we use thumb tacks we buy from an Etsy artist that we use to fasten the ribbons. Using a needlenose plier we simply insert and then bend a loop.
    I do get them from fallen birch trees. Sometimes if your luck you can discover a large one with the bark already stripping. I have a big plastic bin that I store them in, I drop a mothball in every so often to keep bugs at bay.
    Thom, where do you get your nice birch bark pieces? Need some for a September wedding. Don't want to go yanking off the trees :) jenny
    Hi Thom,

    So on those wedding pictures you posted, the one with the sunflowers and millet, were those sunflowers with the petals pulled???? Thanks!!! Monique




    I wonder if I could set my butt on the couch and make these while chatting of FC?

    I don't know about you but I love Saturday morning excursions about town. It seems like everyone is having a tag sale. It seems like everyone one is selling everything but the kitchen sink and everything is 25 cents.

    With all the budget cuts in weddings, brides are cutting cakes too not just flowers. Here is an idea, epoxy tea cups and plates together to form a cupcake tower that you can sell for an amazing mark up.
    You were my Idol before I visited this page, now you're for SURE my Idol. Thanks for all the tips and ideas. Now, I have a question for you... I have a July 4th wedding that is looking for 6-8 topiaries to line the sidewalk with. Appx 5 ft tall, they are open to plants, with fresh added or fresh. Do you have any suggestions? I even thought about a nice looking silk with fresh added. Thanks so much for your time, I really appreciate it!
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