Announcement FlowerChat Fantasy Baseball - 2012


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Calling all Baseball fans!

It's that time of year again, when the boys of summer head to Spring Training, and baseball fans start to twitch in anticipation.

Personally, I'm pretty stoked to see the progress my Blue Jays have made, and I can't wait to see if Jose Bautista has another explosive season in store for us :)

If you like baseball, prizes and a little good-natured banter please join us for the 2012 FlowerChat Fantasy Baseball League:
Aw, now this makes sense, I read the post the first time when you had the other link and I thought, wow, I have to attend church in the southern US to participate, this is serious!
Looks like fun, helps me think of spring!!
Aw, now this makes sense, I read the post the first time when you had the other link and I thought, wow, I have to attend church in the southern US to participate, this is serious!
Looks like fun, helps me think of spring!!

See ... that's why they say multitasking isn't really productive :)

At least I didn't forward the seminary's web site to the fantasy baseball page - that would get a reaction!