Announcement FlowerChat Rewards: Earn Amazon, Starbucks and iTunes Gift Cards!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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Earn a $15 Amazon Gift Card, $5 iTunes Gift Card and $3 Starbucks gift card by participating on FlowerChat!

It's that simple: Click on the cute little red Rewards tab in the top-right of your screen and join the FlowerChat Loyalty Program. You will get points for visiting, Liking and commenting on FlowerChat.

Once you have accumulated a few points, click on the Rewards tab and choose Catalog to redeem for free stuff!
Ryan, I've been clicking that button and it goes to a white screen and nothing past. It is operator error?
Interesting! What browser & version are you using?

Ex: Firefox 3.2? Internet Explorer 8? Something else?
Just tried it in IE8 and it does take a moment to load. There is some JavaScript involved which IE is notoriously bad at ... but if you give it a moment the rewards window should open and populate.
Can you allow the Rewards to accumulate? For example, I seem to have an Amazon $15 reward - thank you - but if I leave it for a month or so and continue posting et cetera, might this then become an Amazon $30 reward or 2 x $15 Amazon rewards?
Can you allow the Rewards to accumulate? For example, I seem to have an Amazon $15 reward - thank you - but if I leave it for a month or so and continue posting et cetera, might this then become an Amazon $30 reward or 2 x $15 Amazon rewards?

Yes, you can bank your points and redeem at will.
The points required are shown in the catalogue. Offhand, I think it's 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 points.
The points required are shown in the catalogue. Offhand, I think it's 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 points.

k i'm missing something i have not seen a catalogue. just the first sign up page and the who is in the top page..
never mind blind as a bat found it now!
I usually check in on my app on my phone - I don't think I get the reward points for doing that - is that correct?

That's correct - we currently haven't been able to integrate the Rewards system into the mobile apps.