Avante Gardens - Tropical Arrangement with Woven Birds

Avante Gardens - Tropical Arrangement with Woven Birds

Contemporary tropical design featuring an upright heliconia, ginger, protea, anthurium, roses, cybmidium orchids and two birds woven from flax foliage.
Goodness....that is extra special..where did you learn how to create the birds? I would really like to be taught how to do that...AMAZING!!!!
Where did you learn how to do the woven birds?

Your designs show lots of exotics...where are you located?

Thanks so much, CHR, just saw your answers - shall buy the book - sorry, I did not answer sooner but I was off the Chat for a while after Xmas.
Appreciate your reply and I also have sent you a pm today. I am impressed with your and your husband's work!!!

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