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  • Hi,
    Just a little note to say that I did not mean to piss you off....This is a place for people to discuss business, we don't always agree, but are professional enough to say what we need to say and disagree amicably most of the time...It really is a great place to learn about all sorts of things that have to do with this crazy business...Wire services are a sore spot that alot of people agree and disagree on, those arguments can and do get heated...In 2 days you have hammered at the posts with anti wire service rhetoric and that isn't all there is here, maybe spend a bit of time reading what has already been hashed and rehashed before getting mad and leaving....we've all been here a long time and have heard it all and talked about it all, we all have an opinion and we all have a voice, not everyone is going to agree with you all the time...
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