flower delivery

  1. Premium-Bouquet-3


    Nieldelia Florist & Gifts is an online florist based in KL where we offers professionally designed flower bouquets for all occasions paired with outstanding customer service. 5 Imported Black Roses 5 Gold Roses and 1 Red Rose with Baby Breath and Casphia.
  2. Premium-Bouquet-2


    Nieldelia Florist & Gifts is an online florist based in KL where we offers professionally designed flower bouquets for all occasions paired with outstanding customer service. 9 Rainbow Roses 1 Pink Hydrangea and 50 Pink Purple and White Roses with Baby Breath and White Eustoma.
  3. Premium-Bouquet-1


    Nieldelia Florist & Gifts is an online florist based in KL where we offers professionally designed flower bouquets for all occasions paired with outstanding customer service. 5 Rainbow Roses with Baby Breath and Eustoma.
  4. Christmas Prance by Everyday Flowers

    Christmas Prance by Everyday Flowers

    A wooden container with roses lisianthus gold leaves pinecones christmas greens and gold ting ting.
  5. Lilac And Viburnum

    Lilac And Viburnum

    A Green Hand Blown Vase Wuth Lilac Viburnum Lizanthus Bells Of Ireland Dendrobium orchids Hanging Ameranthus Dogwood Branches And Spray Roses Our Website is http://www.EverydayFlowers.net