Article An Inspiring Flick To Indulge In This Weekend

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Sep 6, 2007

As the days grow darker and colder, we naturally want to nest.

If you find yourself eager to curl up in front of the television and indulge in something on Netflix, you might want to check out “Chef.”

The 2014 film written, directed by and starring Jon Favreau is a feel-good story about a man, Carl Casper, who has lost his way, both professionally and personally.

He’s a creative type, obsessed with his craft (cooking) who works long hours and cares intensely what his customers think — all points that florists surely find relatable!

That’s not all…

Early in the movie, Casper gets a scathing online review, which he feels was undeserved. Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you! What follows is a clear-cut picture of what NOT to do (read: engage in a Twitter war with your naysayer), some drama, some comedy, and an epic road trip.

I don’t want to give away any more of the plot, so I’ll close with this: You’ll love seeing how Casper passes his passion on to his son, as well as the clever social media marketing techniques the young boy imagines.

Two caveats though:

  1. The movie involves gratuitous profanity. Some claim this adds a dose of realism (allegedly, people in the food industry curse a lot), but in my humble opinion, all it does is prevent “Chef” from being the perfect family film.
  2. Don’t watch this on an empty stomach. Casper concocts some pretty delectable dishes (grilled cheese, beignets, beef brisket, chocolate cake, etc.). If you’re not fully satiated when you start watching, you’ll either experience hunger pains or end up binge eating.

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An Inspiring Flick to Indulge In This Weekend

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