FTD suffixes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
State / Prov
I had to close yesterday (family emergency - everything is fine now) but I received in three orders over the mercury which were troubling...
Order received from FTD.COM for delivery today (thank goodness cause I didn't have time to turn off my system when I left town Sunday) showed the correct sending number 90-8***AA FTD.COM -1800SendFTD. BUT had two other orders from code number 90-8***AF showing "unable to retrieve sending florist details" which always shows up when it's an AZ suffix (we know who those come from). I called headquarters and they of course sent me on to FTD.com who said THEY had sent the orders...I questioned the suffix and the unable to retrieve details and was put on hold then finally told they were "online orders". I'm not happy with that answer. Having refused JustFlowers/FlowersSentToday and the others who like to send through FTD is FTD now really cloaking and not telling the truth at all to those who question the sending florist's numbers?
When they call the order to us, we insist until they give us the sending florist, since this one was merc'd to us, we couldn't get the answer plain and simply (in other words, not a stupid operator sending the order to us without a clue as to the OG game)...
I am so tired of this game they play.
One thing to keep in mind for those that do accept FTD.com orders but not OG orders...

FTD.com has several Mercury Machines, AA AB AC AD and so on....

Then you have Domestic Retrans, with AZ, where most of the cloaked orders go through.
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