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  • Mark are you able to take multiple orders from one customer in order entry? From what we can see it can only be done at point of sale?
    Mark can you tell me how you are understanding the journal entries that Mas makes into Quick Books. I find for example that my settelement preview shows one set of numbers for CC cards and yet when the journal is imported to quick books what get posted in some cases is hundreds of dollars less? Also they handle paid outs and over shorts with debits and credits out of checking thus the bank statement never matches the journal entry without someone doing a lot of adding and subtracting ? Regardless of our feelings FTD from everything I see from the accounting side of MAS this appears to be poorly done.
    Mark do you have 3 panel cards or 4 with your system.? My question is we have 3 as that is all our printer would handle like us you are in a cold weather area. there is no delivery slips like mercury to staple to the plastic wrapping how are you handleing this with out stapleing the card to the plastic wrap?
    Mark I really can't talk about it in detail in public forum due to some competitors being on here. But the key is in the word donations actual event flowers are small part of what we are getting.. This thing has really gotten us a lot of accalaides.
    Have ou heard abything about From You Flowers be in caught doing credit card fraud? I heard from a ftd guy that the owner of from you flowers was found guilty of credit card fraud. So Proflowers is in bed with a crook what a joke how can he be alowed to take credit cards if he is a crook.
    did you hear anything about From You Flowers and Credit Card Fraud??

    I heard from an ftd guy that he did time for credit card fraud!! how can ProFlowers be in business with this crook?
    I was wondering if I may send you a price list and a list of varieties and why noy daily availabilities from our farm in Ecuador so you can actually compare how much you can save buying direct besides the other advantages..If you are interested please send me an email to : [email protected]
    hello. My name is Lea. I own a Flower Shop in the Bronx NY.
    I am emailing you because I m always reading your ANTI-FTD posts!

    They are the biggest bullies. I am Advertising Locally using Adwords and they sent me a an email accusing me of trademark infringement!!!
    mind you-- I don'd have FTD as one of my keywords in any of my campaigns.,, Per them- I was infringing on their trademark because I was bidding on the words "flowers" and "online flowers"!!! RIDICULOUS!!! I have it all in writing and I can forward it to you if you'd like.
    I just ignore the whole email!...THE NERVE of THEMM!!!!!
    That is a good idea MarkI will print that off and take it with me next week. Thanks
    Sorry Jon... just saw this, been a busy day... I'm here til 5:15 today, or Thursday either way... mark
    Hi Mark, I'm here and, WHAT NEXT. I remember why I withdrew. It feels to darn complicated. There are so many little pieces and are not quite inviting. I'g love to be able to LURK, look and listen.

    I followed the link you gave me but...JON.
    Hey Mark,
    Thanks for letting me in on this site. It's great, I didn't know so many florists we're so active in learning for there business. I posted a thread about the Altanta Bootcamp next weekend, any assist. you can give would be greatly app. Also Boston BC date is Oct. 16 & 17th.....Interested?.....
    I tried to accept your friend request, but the save button did not work. I tried twice.
    Hey Mark,I cannot find the new thread button so just gonna ask you....have you heard anything about coolbot...its a new way to cool flowers or whatever you want using an air conditioner..., I am finding myself at a crossroads of repair or try something like this...any info?? thanks Karla @ Clarabella
    The create new thread button only appears when you click the forum list from the main forum page.

    It should be left side, about 1/4 down from the top.

    It's not a permissions thing.
    Ok, is it me? I have never been able to find the "Create New Thread" button on this new version. Or, maybe I don't have permission???
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