Is this SEO spam?

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New Member
Mar 27, 2005
State / Prov
In the root of my website, I have as the front page. What if I had that and and and and in the root on the web server? Will I be marked down by search engines?

I've noiticed that my local online competion did that and ranks it high in google, right next to their /index.htm one.
Its not a bad idea. However I have head through the webmaster fourms that google yahoo is begining to considering websites spam that use dashes and underscore. So I would recomend avoiding that. Usually the / is proper format. Remember also that it takes time for those pages to apear so be patient.
Thanks Eric for your reply. I know all about waiting when it comes to Search Engine rankings. heheheh . What a drag.

And if I were to use the / sign it would designate a new folder. So what you are saying is make the link like this: / Medford / Oregon / Florist / index.htm ?
It can't hurt to give it a try, One thing that you should really make sure of is all of your meta tags. Try to make each page unique that you create. I know as we make more and more webpages for our sites we can get a little lazy and start repeating the same key words in every page or the same description tag. Make every page unique and that will give a better coverage for what you are trying to target. I know sometimes I try to create mulitple pages at the same time and I have realized that its better to create one or two quality pages per night then craming the whole website in one night.
Dazeal said:

If everything on the webpage is the same… will rank better than
both will rank better than

Most website layouts are information hierarchies, all webpages branch off a home page. (also known as the top down approach) All of the above file names will rank better than

Also keep in mind that is three levels down from the home page. Most search engines only spider deep pages every couple of months.

Never use spaces or non alpha numeric characters in your file names.
For example: florist/ Medford Oregon.htm
(a file named Oregon Florist.html in a directory named Medford Oregon would be translated to Oregon/ Oregon%20Oregon Florist.html)

BIG HINT: Use whole words in the file name where possible, and when using abbreviations, only use those that are widely known. And use all lower case characters in the file name.

I think you are focusing too much on the root or file names…remember content is still “king”.

Create a focus webpage for Medford Oregon Florist. Be abundantly clear. State your intentions up front and several times. Create content so good that other websites point to your’s as a resource.

Think about who would come to your Medford Oregon Florist webpage and why. What do you have that they want?

Like Cathy says “be different”. Make them sit up in their chair and take notice of what you're doing on your webpage.

Consumers come to your webpage looking for something specific. Use information design (not graphic design) to help the consumer get to what they want fast. It'll increase their comfort level.

Create “Niche webpages,” look for what your competitors aren't doing.

Does your webpage have a specific "voice" and attitude? How well does your webpage represent your flowershop?

Don't over engineer your webpage. The latest gizmos may be cool to teenagers or 20 somethings (and some of us old folks), but if your consumer is outside that demographic, you may be irritating them.

Sorry this is so long, didn’t mean to get on my bandwagon…
Mlou, I often wish you would be more long winded, I have so much to learn :)

Thank You!
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