Local Search Marketing for Florists

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Design matters
Nov 28, 2002
State / Prov
Found a blog article by a consumer trying to find a local florists to send flowers for his wife's birthday.

Today as I worked the phones and the Internet trying to make a same day delivery order for my wife’s birthday, I cursed in frustration more than once, and kept thinking to myself, “This is the perfect article for Enterlocal”.

Why? Because this is the perfect illustration of why, as a local business owner, one needs to make sure your business information is:
1- Up to date
2- In the right places
3- Helpful

Here’s a blow by blow:
8:45am: Panic! OMG- I have to order flowers this morning, and they have to get to her office by 1pm.
8:45:30: Yahoo.com “flowers 60640
I’m looking for a local vendor because I like to support local small businesses.

First result, it’s close to her office. Pick up the phone, “this number is down for maintenance blah blah blah. Argh!

The 2nd result is reviewed with a star, it’s close to her office, bingo. Go to their site that is conveniently displayed in the listing and find the perfect flower bouquet with stuffed animal. I’m envisioning the victory lap already. Pick up the phone. Voicemail. Check site for store hours. They don’t open until 10. Argh.

9:30: Call again even though I know they’re not open. Maybe someone is there. No luck

10:00 – 10:15: I call 4 times trying to get something besides a voicemail. I’m really annoyed. I give up. On to the next one.
I remember my old reliable place. I find their number in Yahoo Local (I’m biased, but it’s the easiest to use). I call and immediately get someone on the line.

The gentleman I speak to doesn’t speak the best English, but I learn the following over the next 15 minutes:
His father lived to be 109
He is 70
I told him he has 39 more years to go ( No I wasn’t a math major, it just seems like it)
He has “died” 3 times due to heart problems
I said that’s why he’s so happy all the time
He agrees
His son will make sure the flowers are delivered by 1pm
He’s sure of it but will call me if there’s a problem
He learned to speak English from cartoons. Calls me Mutt and Jeff, laughs hysterically. I laugh, too. We spend 13 of those minutes re-reading my card number back and forth

10:30: The order is finally done. I would be annoyed if it took that long ordering from flowers.com or something similar, but in this case I don’t mind the personal contact and “fun” that comes with it. I expect it from my local stores.

10:35: He calls back because he forgot to give me a total. Says he wants to be fair.

1:00: His son, while making the delivery, calls from hospital (where my wife works). Asks for Jeff Cleo. The card was supposed to be signed “from Jeff and Cleo” (our dog). Son then hands the phone to front desk person, we clear up who the flowers are going to.

1:30: Wife calls, she’s happy. Mission accomplished.
What lessons can you take from this?
1- Take the time to hit your major distributors (see properties to the right) and create or check that your business listing is in the right categories with the right phone numbers
2- Make sure the rest of your information is accurate: hours, services, etc.
3- Answer your phone when you say you are going to be there.

I hate to plug a service that we are offering, but I’m going to do it anyway. Registerlocal.com can take care of no’s 1 and 2 for you. The phone is up to you.

No wonder folks give up looking for local shops and call national companies. :(

I've seen several posts asking for help to get their shops found in Yahoo and Google local search and it appears this gentleman's company provides such a service at http://www.registerlocal.com/ .

Yes, you can get listed yourself but if you lack the skills, time and/or patience perhaps a submission company would be a good choice.
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