site to track internet marketing information

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New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hello All,

I want to tell you about a new site I created that brings together the latest internet marketing information from the around the web.

The site is called "Interweb Marketing" and you can find it at

Information is broken into categories such as search engines, pay-per-click advertising, Ecommerce and link development. It also has topics such as "Big Daddy" (for the Google Big Daddy infrastructure change) and "Google Sandbox".

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and suggestions.

Yeah Glenn, Gomer is my alter ego, maybe even my better half.

So glad to hear you will be using the site, please let me know if you have any suggestions or things you would like to see on the site.

Gomer aka Brian
Brian -

Lots of links to good stuff all in one place. The layout is clean and simple and the topics are well organized. I only meant to take a quick glance and ended up reading and reading and reading....

Really enjoyed the article by Russell Beattie (linked from Business Logs) calling Web 2.0 - WTF 2.0. So far, my experience with social bookmarking shows that spammers (of the floral variety) have quickly embraced the concept. With Looksmart killing the half-way decent non-commercial portion of Zeal in favor of Furl, yet another semi-objective resource is gone in favor of folksonomy (spamsonomy). (The commercial portion of Zeal had been useless for years.)

Great idea to add the social bookmarking links to the foot of each category, however. Despite my skepticism of the real beneficiaries of the tagging game, I want one of those boxes for my own site. :>
Cathy, glad you like the site.

Yes, it is a place you can keep reading forever. That is how it was born, too many feeds to keep track of so I put them in one place.

The web 2.0 article was good, I added the author as a feed.

I have never used a tagging service myself, but I plan on doing so in the near future to see what they are all about. Reading internet evolution stuff, it is clear that social tagging becoming increasingly important. Yahoo! I think will be basing much of their search algorithm on social tagging in the future.

Regarding floral spam in social tagging, I am curious, are those local florists or directories?

By the way, the social tagging code you see on my site is offered for free at . I pulled out the javacript and just used the images and html with regular links.

floristsnearyou said:
Yahoo! I think will be basing much of their search algorithm on social tagging in the future.
No doubt their purchase of has something to do with that. Frankly, I've been disappointed with the affiliate spam in Yahoo's commercial side of their directory so in the case of IMO it would better off replaced with that's not perfect but more useful at finding real florists.
Regarding floral spam in social tagging, I am curious, are those local florists or directories?
Neither. Affiliates and affiliate doorway pages tagged for cities all over North America.

Thanks for the link to the bookmarks site. Cool. :cool:

P.S. I tagged in :)
Cathy, are you sure you are a real florist, you sound like a full-time internet marketer :) I guess we all have to wear a lot of hats today.

That is exactly what I mean with Yahoo going the social tagging route with the purchase. Google wants to count backlinks and let webmasters vote (and manipulate). Yahoo seems to want people to vote (and possibly to manipulate too). MSN appears to be going neural net route ( ) and improving the user interface so that we can tell them more about what we are looking for.

Interesting and different approaches. I believe the best approach is what people think, Yahoo's approach. No system is free of manipualtion and any approach will probably use a combination of information - for example, still putting weight on links but primarily employing what users think through social tagging, residence time on a site, etc.

Yes, Yahoo's directory is just a way for them to get $300, gone are the days when it was a respected directory.

Thanks for tagging :)
floristsnearyouare said:
you sure you are a real florist, you sound like a full-time internet marketer :)
No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :>

My interest in the web is purely from trying to understand the primary influences of search engines. I've learned a lot - the hard way - and continue to try and do my part to help local florists get found.

A big congrats on making Danny's blog! Bet your traffic jumped a bunch today.
Cathy you do know alot about search engines and it shows - it is great that you are helping other florists too.

Thanks for the congratulations. Yes, the traffic was nice, maybe next time it will bring my server down though :)
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