Why the Internet Might Not be Working for You

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Design matters
Nov 28, 2002
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Five Reasons Why the Internet Might Not be Working for You

Subsititue the word 'florist' for 'Realtor'. Most of his points are Dead On, although florist websites aren't usually built in frames so it's really not applicable here.

What matters is that your site cannot be found (and looking under your name doesn't count. If you wanted to attract folks who already know you, you wouldn't be reading this column!). The reasons can vary, but the consequences of not being able to be found never vary: when you can't be found, you might as well not even bother to have a website. If you shouldn't bother to have a website, maybe you should think about trying to be successful in another line of business, because Real Estate (and florists) and the internet are permanently and inextricably linked.

His comments about directories and other advertising sites touting traffic also apply to our business. How much of that traffic is qualified buyers vs members vs bots, etc....

I couldn't copy the entire article so follow the link above to read it in entirety.
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