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    Happy, Happy

    Hey Jon,

    It was fun speaking with you today. Bring your cigars to the convention and I'll bring mine. We can bash Bush while we lounge around in our jammies!

    Di XO
    Bloomzie - Can't you sleep?? - It's approx 8pm here would be what 2-3am there - you should be snoring........??!!!!!!
    Hey co-nightowl. We're both up late (1:24 a.m.). Did you happen to watch Saturday Night Live? Was supposedly their first show from 1975 (?), with George Carlin as host. I have to admit I got bored after awhile, but it was nice to see George looking so young and hip.

    G'night. :~)
    Hey Bloomz,

    Ben veldkamp, from Veldkamps in Denver just did his intro....You may want to check it out and join that convo....

    Oooh, baby! Your fav PJ's sound hot! Can we have a pajama party at the SAF convention? Wait til you see my jammies!

    Hey Jon,

    I really wanted to hear more about your jammies! Find me on FlashChat late at night, and let's talk about them! Twila and I were having a very interesting chat when you were would have gained great knowledge to blackmail me with if you were paying attention! Have a rockin' Sunday!

    Your new .gif image in your signature is interesting. I noticed through all the pushing, shoving, climbing, & jumping there is one stickman just sitting and observing all the chaos, is that you, the instigator? lol

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