Oh, hey, just wanted to say hello to anyone who might drop by my profile. I won't be signing on to FC, but hope to see you around elsewhere on the Net: Facebook, email, other forums, etc. Best wishes to you all.
Thanks, just noticed your message, actually my husband did, isn't that bad? Didn't even know I had messages. Tell your sister to drop by sometime, we are by the co-op.
ha, yes we have a few mondays off in this country and they call them bank holidays, it means that the banks are definately shut but not sure how they started, had a lovely day though thanks, where is your scottish friend?
Hiya, The weather on the west coast where I am is fine, bit hot but not too bad yet. But south and south east coasts are scorching, record breaking high temps - up to 117 farenheit. This sort of temp isn't uncommon in country towns inland but it is unusual for the coastal cities.
Sorry don't know what Planet X is! Is it that new planet they discovered on the edge of the solar system? LOL no idea!
Hi Dorothy, I just wanted to stop in and tell you that I checked your website and your shop looks wonderful and so inviting. I enjoy reading your posts, I have this hippy image of you (not sure if its 'cause youre from BC or from some or your posts) but anyhow I wish you all the best. Also, Happy belated Birthday!
Hi Dorothy, I'm glad to have you as my friend. Tried to get on Face*** last night-I think I did it right, just have to figure out the rest of it!
Hope all is well-terri
Hi Cheryal. I'm lousy with the boards too. Find it hard to search for specific info...ah well.
I actually sold my flowershop a couple weeks ago. I wanted to say something on the phone to you but I couldn't then 'cause things weren't quite final. I will still be helping out for quite a while but will start to be paid for it after this week. Yea! My hubby is also continuing to deliver for the new owner, Arlene.
Orders have really picked this month. Sales were down all summer but October was better. We had next to no tourists for the past two summers. Our local chamber isn't selling Summerland very well...and with all the construction and that crazy 2 1/2 week total highway closure, businesses in Summerland have really been suffering.
Have you ever held public design classes? If so, what did you charge per person and did the amount include materials? Our flowershop was approached by the local Arts Council to put on a class for Xmas tablepieces so a portion will go to them. Any advice you have would be appreciated.
Hello Dorothy
Would love to be your chat buddy. I am lousy with these message boards. But will try to figure it out and keep up. How are things going for you? We are slow this week except for funerals. Always feel bad about feeling good cause some one died. lol Cheryal