12 more sleeps

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
dunnville ontario canada
State / Prov
Yes 12 more of them and pete and i are outta here to the dominican for a weeks hoildays!!!!!!!!!!!.come back nice and refreshed for the christmas season, Its been an amazing year , but then we had an amazing amount of funerals since june. not to mention weddnigs etc. So this will be a week that we both enjoy together as there hasnt been anytime for a get away till now Joanne:cool:
Just got back from Florida...

and thought I was gonna die!!
Not only did Peter, ex-owner of Ada's Flower Shop in Oakville work me to death while we were there, on the way back, we hit a deer on Interstate90, just at the 271 interchange, smashed the bejesus out of the van, and kept on going, because I KNOW that deer collided with more than just us!!
I ALMOST managed to swerve out of the way, and at most would have take out the side view mirror, BUT, I was on the INSIDE lane, heading EAST, cars and heavy trucks all around, it was just beginning early morning daybreak,and I had NO IDEA what the shoulder was made of, whether soft, or paved.
Had I not swerved, it was head on, Peter was asleep in the passenger seat at the time, and ALL I could envision, was this deer through the windscreen,and noplace to turn, or stop!!
You know those deer crossing signs??...I think highways should post "car crossing" signs for the deer!!
Love the Dominican! Had our honeymoon there, and we're heading back in the spring.

Have a GREAT time
meat shop

Pet's Brother who is also a butcher is gonna do the cutting also his staff are trained in some areas so we know this wont be a problem. as for my shop Cathy and Lori my 2 full timers , they will hold down the fort and 3 part timers will be in the reserves for back up.. Gee Do Ya Think They Wanna Get Rid Of Us. everyone is so willing and able.hmmmmm Sure glad we have the gang that we do,Lori's son Joey is gonna move in here while we are gone to look after cats and dog, and keep an eye on ALL THE COOLERS in both shops. Joanne:D
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