A new market/design trend??????

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Joe Mioux

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2004
State / Prov
This is a new one on me!

We received an order today from a guy, sending flowers to another guy.

The recipient was getting flowers for having a vasectomy.

The customer specifically wanted one large cattail, two purple roses and BB.

The card reads Wishing you a Speedy Recovery. To Slim and the Hairy Boys!Monsanto.

I giggled the whole time I was making this thing.

Can anyone top this for weird order of the day?

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No! But I thank you so much for the imagery now burned in my mind! And the laugh...

V :)
Ok... did you take a picture?!?!?!?! It would be great to see if the image I have matches your creation. :)

V (who is turning blue trying not to laugh too hard as the bathroom is FAR AWAY IN THIS PLACE!!!)
No, but I can, all i have here at the moment though is a film camera.

I also had to sub, which was ok with the customer.

a thin cattail was used and no purple roses, so we subed with dark red ones.

Just imagine how things were inserted and you will get a pretty vivid idea of slim and the boys!

I am laughing so hard......this just made my day!!!!!!!!
Oh dear, a blue ribbon... another joke comes to mind. ;)

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