Florists For Change

Hey Mark here is your friends at that are doing the gateway fake pages the snapshot shows they are teleflora Hmm wonder why we requested a nonpresence of all ws's from the meeting?
ScreenHunter_01 Aug. 08 12.35.gif
As final preparations are falling into place, I would invite all, attendees and those who cannot to keep a close eye on the Facebook page and also the website. we will be posting regularly and try our level best to let everyone know what is happening. Our goal is much more than 1 meeting, please watch for upcoming meetings and one in your region.

I am awed by the response and will do my level best to make this conference one to be remembered. (in a good way!)

If any who read this have not entered their input to the surveys (there is 2 of them) please do so! Your info is very vital to formation of our group.

Thank you and "May the Force be with us!" (FYI who won that story?)

Keith Hill
Florists for Change

and Beaverton Florists
Not my friends bro.... although I do want to get close and cuddly with them and TAKE THEM DOWN~!

or use Keith's "light sabre".....