John Chretien

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Nov 1, 2002
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I would just like to acknowledge your postings on John Chretien along with President Bush. That is "fair" of you. Though I still think politics should be kept off this board - they divide us instead of uniting us. Since you are the "creator", we must abide by your commandments. Just please be sensitive to us Americans who really rally behind our Commander-In-Chief, especially since we are at war.

U.S. Army Veteran/Golden Rose Florist

Canadians I've found don't rally as much around our Leaders as much when times are difficult. I've lived in the US and Canada, and noticed it. Canadians don't always wave the flag as much, which I think Canadians should be doing, and Canadan should be shoring up our Military spending to 2003 levels opposed to 1960 levels as the US Ambassador to Canada as been saying since 2001.

If the Govt. in Ottawa can blow nearly 1 billion dollars on a Gun registery system which isn't in place yet, we can put some money into military spending.

In my opinion.
Peter, Thank you for shedding some light on Canada. Believe it or not but my only contact with Canadians is on these florist boards!

Yes alot of American's don't know as much about Canada, as alot Canada knows about the USA.You could say it depends on what a person does for a living also. I know anytime I'm in the US, you don't hear much about what goes on in Canada, unless you tune into different websites, now of course some states that are bordering with Canada knows quite a bit more, I know from visting friends in the Sarnia area, which is across the border from Port Huron Michigan, you can watch Canadian tv without any trouble and my friends know things that go on in the City of Toronto better than I do. Some Canadians (And I don't mean Canadians here on the board) don't know much about the US either. But I can tell you, Canadians do care about the US and it's people, I like to think of us as all North Americans. Perhaps I'm just blessed to have a global view point.
I think that it was Luba Goy (of the Royal Canadian Air Farce) that said that the main difference between Canadians and Americans is this : historically, Americans have shot their Presidents, in Canada, we just make fun of them. I think that's telling.

A leader is just a person, they're not tapped into any higher consciousness, they're not better than anyone else, they just have a better p.r. platform.

If you want to see how different we are watch some old "this hour has 22 minutes" with our beloved Rick Mercer talking to Americans in their own backyard about Canadians. Just how very ,very little the average American knows about Canada is appalling. Unfortunately Rick overdid some of it and made some people ,like George W. Bush , the governor of Arkansas, and several university president look like boobs. It was funny for a while.
Heh, like the time he asked Bush (who was campaigning at the time) about his relationship with Canadian Prime Minister John Poutine?

One and the same, he really made the goveror of Arkansas look really dumb.
If I'm not mistaken that Govenor won re-election this past November, and I think his wife ran, and if I remember my numbers from the midterms, she won a State or Congressional Senate seat.
Was there not something about bombing Saskachewan on one of those people on the street sketches? :D
Yeah something like that , other things like Prime minister Lucien Bouchard who was going to do away with the Queen and kick Quebec out of the country, damming the red river to flood the prairies and a whole lot of insensible things that would be physically and politically impossible.
I just remember laughing my a@@ off...much like watching Jay Walking. ;)
As far as I'm concerned they're all treasures, like Air Farce. Jock McBile and Marg Delahunty are my personal favs... especially that one where Marg dressed up like Xena and harassed the MPs.

I agree Audra...there is so much to be learned about us, in comedy. Laughter transends almost anything.
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