look at this Teleflora rose arrangement

They have the page set to "Premium".... for the 100 bucks.... if you select "Standard" the image changes to 12 roses.... not defending TF... but I do the same thing on some of my designs...
I think it's a form of bait and switch (re-born). You and I know the setting, but not the consumer. In flowers, if it seems to good to be true, it is. [MENTION=2]BOSS[/MENTION] I hear you on the websites (but they state shown as), but for banner ads and others, 70% of buyers shop for flowers with their eyes/heart, so they see 24 roses for 54.95, they press buy now (compulsive marketing). Then all the filling florists will have to deal with the people's disappointment on the product. Just another "sour" note in the mouths of the buying public which can and does drive them to another product.
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I agree with what bootcampguy says.
Why can't they do one with 12 roses for $54.95
and put a second picture with 24 roses for yadda

THey can always offer the premium offer when they order.
I personally don't like this type of advertising.

I think it's a form of bait and switch (re-born). You and I know the setting, but not the consumer. In flowers, if it seems to good to be true, it is. [MENTION=2]BOSS[/MENTION] I hear you on the websites (but they state shown as), but for banner ads and others, 70% of buyers shop for flowers with their eyes/heart, so they see 24 roses for 54.95, they press buy now (compulsive marketing). Then all the filling florists will have to deal with the people's disappointment on the product. Just another "sour" note in the mouths of the buying public which can and does drive them to another product.
Did you see thats the Valentines day price of $54.95 so minus delivery they expect us to fill for $45.00 for a dz red roses!!
they undercut us. How can you tell a client that your roses are $74.95 and telefloras are $44.95 for a dz. Considering roses cost upwards of $1.75 per rose even without the 27% taken off plus other fees its a loosinig situation. I emailed my rep and no response of course. So much for the save the florist propaganda.
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The wire services also charge anywhere from $14.95-19.95 to wire the order to a shop. That makes the customer actually pay $70 plus.

As for the customers, our clients know that we buy the best, the cream of the crop. We don't carry (ever) cheap roses nor short roses. We use the same roses that we always do, even though we will be paying 3 times what our standing order prices are. It is their choice whether to purchase really good quality product, professional design and professional delivery or just buy on price alone. We don't focus on the customers who buy on price alone. I'd rather sell 100 dozen roses for $80 rather than 200 dozen at $40.