Question On Florist To Florist Order


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I received a call this morning from a florist on the east coast for a delivery for today. His credit card was declined. I called him back, he said the driver was on the way to the bank with a deposit, will be fine this afternoon. Of course, 2:00 and the card is still declined. I called back and left a message. The shop is closed for the day. The order is for 150.00 and a birthday. Would you deliver without payment?
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I hope you did not....I belonged to a wire service.....long time ago called carik. They were to mail me a check....never received the check and then they decided to pay by c/c which was
dead. You learn your lesson by these examples. Florist to florist normally ask for 20% discount
then they will ask if they can mail you a check. I do not take any risks now.
Ok, the end of the story- The florist called back the next day, said he made the deposit, credit card should be good. We put it thru one more time, and it was finally approved. He apologized. We delivered the flowers. So far no compliant for 1 day late bday flowers. It all worked out, I just can't imagine running your business that close to the edge...
Whether taking an order from another florist or from a local customer, there should be no difference regarding a valid form of payment. If the credit card is declined, the check bounces, or the customer fails to come in with promised payment prior to delivery, the result is the same: You're reaching into your own pocket to pay for someone else's gift. If it is an established local customer that we have a good history with, we'll do it. Otherwise, no.
I received a call this morning from a florist on the east coast for a delivery for today. His credit card was declined. I called him back, he said the driver was on the way to the bank with a deposit, will be fine this afternoon. Of course, 2:00 and the card is still declined. I called back and left a message. The shop is closed for the day. The order is for 150.00 and a birthday. Would you deliver without payment?

I know this response is far too late for this particular order but the answer is "nope". When the payment is received, the order will go out. Trusting is fine among family, even then you may never get paid. :)

Business is business and if you are filling an order for someone with your product and labor that you have to pay for, you need to make sure you have the money in hand first. You don't know them I take it, they have given you no reason to trust them. However, it is more than likely that their customer paid them before they called you, you should expect no less. With order gatherers especially, they can also say later that there was a problem with the flowers and they are not going to pay you at all. Then you're just out your product and labor plus the hassle you went through.