teleflora scam..what can I do?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2009
Mount Kisco
State / Prov
New York
Dropped TF Web site April 1...checked out all our Google listings and ..on " find a florist" found a page that said "Plants and Things" but is NOT my site...Please help do not know where to start to scream!!

Edit,,, a few minutes add insult to injury,,,,,,

Ok as I am typing this I just got an email from TF(I 'm on my mailing list). Reminding me to buy flowers and
Directing them to this fake site!!??
Looks like there's no link to your shop from FAF. I DO see your shop as still listed, but there's no link and no online ordering.

The good news is your shop is #1 in a Google search for "florist in Mt. Kisco NY." Keep up your good work on SEO and make sure your site is inviting and will convert visitors to buyers. IMO, the landing page has image distortions and the colors seem a bit off from reality.

Visitors only go to #2, 3, 4 and on if they don't find & trust what they see in #1.
Ewe that's not good... That's an ecom site for sure...

Is that your phone number? Might be time for a test order and see where it goes and how it gets there...
Yes that is my phone # and address-tried to order--they added 14.99 as a service charge--I stopped--must be a TF OG site!
Best thing to do is send a cease & desist from an attorney. They just probably forgot/don't care enough to remove you quickly. The letter will get it taken care of. You could also call member services and tell them to remove you. I am sure they will. This type of thing seems to be more from apathy than malice.
Looks like one of those TF storefront sites that we've seen in the past.

I commented at the time that I'm sure TF would be thrilled to have one us create a new ecommerce site for them because we don't think theirs is sufficient :)
Said they needed to have a site where someone could order if they requested my shop, you know, find-a-florist
I asked to be removed from their listing totally
Site gone! Me, not soon enough!!
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