Website most viewed products.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2004
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I am hoping that everyone knows their most viewed products on their website. If I look at our most viewed stats since Saturday, all top 10 items are our McAdams Floral Secretaries Day Exclusives (not WS images that we also have) and the #1 most viewed is almost sold out. Since we knew ahead of time it was the most popular, we quickly made a similar version in a different unique vase that is being photographed in the light cube now to be up on the site in the next 30 minutes.
Good Job Clay.

That really is the key to running your website business. Keep an eye on the most viewed and purchased items and then expand off of those items. You would be surprised how quickly your customers catch on and before you know it you have your core items not only for your website but for your business. That is really the best benefit of controlling your website and having the ability of changing product instantly either your images or price changes.

Besides there is nothing better then to see a product that you have created and see the amount of orders that come from just that one item.

Of course there are those ones that just never do it and thats when you remove it and upload your next idea.
Good Selection


I checked out your website for Secretaries' Week, you have a very good selection for the Bosses. I see on your newer images (like all of the APA images) that you show side...and sometimes back....views of your arrangements. Interesting concept. Just wondering what prompted that feature and what has the feedback been so far?

Once of the things that I would think about for your APA catagory next year is to have some SEO copy somethere calling in Secretary's Week (actually that and Secretarys Week/day ). In going to my stats for search engine terms used for McAdams, nobody did a search for Adminstrative Professional Assistants OR Secretaries's Week/Day (proper spelling) was only searched by Secretary's and Secretarys.

Already sold out of a second item, so we found another unique container to hold a 4" plant combo, and it was changed out on the website in no time .
The different views was something that I just wanted to do. The feedback is good and I think it really helps out the designers when they have to remake some of them.

I think in my quest to be politically correct I (missed and forgot) to add the other words for Secretaries. I didn't even include it in any of the keyword meta tags.

Hey I created 30 webpages in one day.

Does no good if the search engines don't index them correctly.
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