website stats question???

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flowerknife+us said:
What percentage of orders from your website are (not phone orders) are placed as a direct result of your e-mail reminders. No Bolviating please!! Just hard facts.

Knive's Wife

I send 1 email a month, about flower specials, etc. I usually get no response, honestly.
Now, the reminders I send about wife's birthday, anniversary, "specialized dates" I get 100% response. I have been doing the customer reminders since January of this year, and I have made about $800 and this is from 5 orders.

Now, Valentine's Days is sticky, I didn't keep up with my info very well, but Mother's Day, I used a promo code and I sent out 250 emails. I recvd. 100 orders from the internet, (and around 50 from the phone orders, due to the email) so 50% was impressive for me, but I look forward to the new holidays, we are building our own site and hopefully I will make the Cool Websites List!

Hope the info helps....
Email response

Depending on the offer, we get a very strong response to our email campaign. Obviously, the ones connected to a holiday are the best, but our newsletter, with special offer gets a good response also. We only send one a month, except for the holidays, when we add a couple of "It's not too late" emails.
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