Welcome from across the pond.

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
I'd just like to extend a warm FlowerChat welcome to all our new community members, and especially those from the UK.

FlowerChat has been around for a good bit, but your extending our reach and adding an international flavor. Jump in, post away.

We're glad to have you join us! Welcome!!
Hi just a new member. if you get this message several times its because i havent got the hang of how to send messager durrrrrrrrrrrr. Can anyone help. Has anyone got any tips on how to keep calla lilies in a wedding holder. I dont seem to have much luck on keeping them in there place
Hi just a new member. if you get this message several times its because i havent got the hang of how to send messager durrrrrrrrrrrr. Can anyone help. Has anyone got any tips on how to keep calla lilies in a wedding holder. I dont seem to have much luck on keeping them in there place

I use 'Tack 2000' spray adhesive on all foam bridal work. Its quite easy to apply when you have finished, just have to get between the flowers and cover the foam liberally. It doesn't set hard but as the name says, it is tacky enough to hold most things in place. It will drip for a bit afterwards so have it over a bucket and not your carpet!
Hi just a new member. if you get this message several times its because i havent got the hang of how to send message
Hey florence...

You might wish to read the FlowerChat *How-To* thread. It will give you some instructions on how to use FlowerChat Functions.

hi im a new member tooo... thought i was being dumb coz couldnt send messages, anyway here goes ! i went to a design show in bristol last week and the designer put a cocktail stick into to end of the calla and cold glue. apparently when it goes into a wet holder, the wood expands holding it tightly... i havent tryed it yet, good luck !

what does it meen when you said welcome around the pound what does that have to do with the uk .:dunno:
"Across the pond" is an expression used to denote the ocean. :) The U.K. is across the pond or ocean from North America.

Real Florist from Hong Kong and Shanghai


We are a real florist with operation in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China. We are headquarted in Hong Kong. If you ever need help on an order to this part of the world, please contact us at [email protected]

We may be across the globe but from reading the posts, the issues and challenges we face are the same so it is great to be a small member of the florist community !

[email protected]:porttopor
Hong Kong....very cool!

And the FlowerChat Community moves into another continent!

Stan is it? Welcome to our community...we're glad to have you. I know every member here, now over 2000 (yea!) will be interested in your thoughts on the industries woes as seen from your perspective...

Again...welcome to FlowerChat

So exciting

How cool is this ... now we can genuinely say London - New York - Hong Kong.

To hear that you face the same problems as the rest of us is interesting ... being the only trade mag that seems to report on any negativity in the world of floristry it's re-assuring to see I'm not going mad!

If you ever need a florist in UK ping me an e-mail.

Kind regards,

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