What is your fav

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Some people just can't get that cutting is a whole arm thing and not a wrist action....i try to impart this on all people using a knife...

I use the vitorinox long blade serrated disposable knife....it will cut through daffs and then cut pussy willow stems just as easy, I can rocket through 25 stems of skylines in 1 second....love love love this knife...fold up knife I will use on location if carrying in a pocket

Love my fiskars kitchen shears can cut ribbon and wire forever....as long as you use them properly....love my fiscars pruners also can cut ribbon, wire and woody stems...

ratched bypass pruners a must for heavy 7ft branches, last on location event job lost mine need to get a new pair....
fiskar: garden shears (althougth we bought ours at target labeled kitchen shears, cheaper )
fiskar: bypass pruners
Gingher: for fabric
Knives: clauss and Henckel

I never sharpen my own, but send them to a pro. You can ruin a good a good pair of shears pretty quickly if you don't know what you're doing.

try SEARS CRAFTSMEN by pass pruners... they come with a lifetime quarantee..
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