Yahoo Gallery 2

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Eric S

Demoted Webmaster
Jul 12, 2005
State / Prov
Well just figured out how to set up a gallery for our website. My quest into learning how to use and set up a mysql database has begun! For yahoo hosted site webmasters you can add this to your website by looking in your help pages under how to add gallery 2 to your hosted site. So far very simple and easy to use. Here is the link to check it out.

Probally one of the hardest things about building your own site is remembering to step away from the computer to go to the bathroom or remembering that you have a business to run.

By the way you must check out the slideshow feature very cool...
Eric, that's really cool! One of my goals this summer is to add a shopping cart. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I'm a slacker :)

WooooooHOOOOOOO - Coffee!!
The gallery I'm using is, IMHO, even better than that. It uses Flickr and it's hosted by Yahoo and it's free. It allows me to drop a Flash "badge" on my website (really just a small chunk of code that is automatically generated for you) that links to the pics on Flickr, and does that whole social-networking web2.0 thingy, I guess.

The accounts are really easy to set up, then you can use the Flickr Uploadr to quickly post your pics from your computer to the site in various predefined groups. Also, as an added bonus, you can waste hours looking at mind-blowing HDR pics from members.
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