Yes Virginia gas prices have dropped.

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Doug Hatcher

New Member
Jul 6, 2003
North York, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
I went to fill up the van last night. I had to wait a while to get to a pump. I noticed a young lady who kept looking at the pump, trying to pump gas and gnererally seemed to be having a problem.

I did get to the pump beside her and noticed how she still seemed to be having a problem. I asked her if she was having a problem and she said "yes".

"What is wrong" I asked, she said the pump keeps shutting off and she can't seem to get any gas to fill her tank. I asked her if she spoke to the attendant, she said "no".

She then said "I was able to pump $36.00 dollars of gas ino the tank, and then it kept shutting off". It was a small car.

I told her you know gas is only .70 cents a litre how much gas does you car hold?

A dazed look came over her face, she said she had pumped 55 litres.

Her tank was full. It kept shutting off, because it was full. She hadn't noticed the price and had not expected to fill her car for $36.00. She laughed" I guess I was expecting it to be about $60.00".

She laughed, I laughed, everyone laughed.

Then I noticed which way she left when she drove away just to make sure I woulnd never have to encounter her when she was actually driving!

Yes her hair was blonde.
Um.... that actually happened to me two weeks ago Doug. I filled the Echo for $26.00, half of the usual number! My mind was wandering and the gurgle and splash woke me up!

Today I'll fill up again, for even less but I'll have my wits about me this time.

Happy Yule tidings to you and yours.

That's a funny story, Doug. The total of the gas purchase still surprises me also, but I surely enjoy it!
Do tell! I'm a blonde this week.........
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