Design and style

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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I want to begin by asking for patience as we continue to modify the design of this site. I hope to soon have a custom colourscheme and style in place, but for now we're using the default purple.

We're always open to ideas for new features and new forums. Please don't hold back :)
Whoa...TOO COOL...

WoW !...Lotsa TOYS to post with...Too cool !

Thanks Ryan....

From my experience, closed or PW protected boards, have alot more REAL information to offer, and result in a more constructive atmosphere....

Great Site


Nice site, might however be to complicated to the average user but maybe not.

Hope all is well with the bird.:p

Might need a spell check so that BOSS can have some help to spell owner under his Profile.

The best,
Hmm.... there is a spell check ... atleast, I had to choose a spell check language. That feature might still be "in development." Anyway, I chose British English, this board being run by a Canadian and all, so you'd ALL be in trouble!

Yes, lot's of bells and the occasional whistle.

Make sure you have your "Private Messaging" turned on - this is a valuable feature, as I'm sure you'll find out.


This is wonderful Ryan...congratulations on your effort and ingenuity!

I'm not a techie by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm able to find my way around this quite well.

I'm glad for the correct spell check as well!:)

Thanks Hero

I got it...easy to fix too....
sometimes my fingers are faster than the brain
I love it

Great color scheme!
Ryan, you mentioned that the color scheme is in purple? On my pc it comes across in a nice green. But that is cool because it is almost the same color as my desktop.;)

The first thread that began it how far we've come....
And it's been a great ride thus far, with many many more kms. to travel. :)

For a moment there, I thought I'd entered The Twilight Zone!

Oh, how I love this site and will forever be grateful for its beginning and continuation in quality and integrity!
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