Jab at President Bush

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Nov 1, 2002
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Now I know not everyone is a fan of President George Bush so I will not ask you (but you may if you wish) to remove that jab that appears throughout the board ("Bubba") but to be fair to us American's who truly do admire our President - the Commander in Cheif of our armed forces who are currently in harms way - how about criticizing the Canadian leader as well. If I might humbly propose, please keep the political jabs off the board as we are a group of hard-working florists, not political commentators.
From, Frank *** An American who is proud of his President ***

I, too, am a fan of Dubya. He's shown great skill in leading his country through tough times - even if he might be a bit bloodthirsty for my taste.

But you have to admit ... his speaches are priceless :)

The quotes are from a calendar I got for Christmas: The Very Curious Language of George W Bush. If they made a calendar of Johnny Cruton's blunder's I'd post them too.

Of course .... if it REALLY bothers you, this issue can be discussed about :)
Maybe the next time the planes will land in your buildings. Then we'll see if you acquire the taste? I'll give you some credit tho. This time you at least gave us warning that they have crossed the border. AFTER you let them into your country.
Oh come on, how much censorship/editorialism do we really need? Ryan's already changed his signature file once because of a protest!

What happened to freedom of speech? I thought that was still on the books.

you guys have really got to be kidding!! It's not like the old "W' did'nt say those things. So are we supposed to call Time magazine and have them censored because they printed the picture of him "reading" the book that was upside down?


Get a grip folks, if you can't laugh you got a problem...and I'm one who thinks he is about to get us in a WORLD of hurt, and if it somehow happens and we get lucky that he doesn't? How many BILLION did he just waste for what reason?
Now I got to find that post cuz he says some realy funny stuff! I hope it isn't and doesn't get removed.
Quote from today on my calendar is taken from when Bush was standing before the great redwood trees of California in May, 01.
He pronounced that these trees were here when the "Magna Carter" was signed :)
Whoa Knife...please, not here!!

Knife...what a stupid thing to say...you dumb ***...you think we don't hurt with you??
A MARVELLOUS President, saying stupid things is no more different than an idiot of a Prime Minister that WE have, with HIS idiotic "proof is a proof" spoof!!
THIS is NOT the place for THAT fight!!!
I wish I had a transcript of the "Proof is a proof" speach. It's my favourite political mis-speak of all time!
I'm happy you like and respect the man....he scares the hell out of me...and we can all enjoy the freedoms of debating the issue in any venue we wish...because of the people who fought/fight and gave the ultimate sacrifice, past and present.
Wow, missed Knife's comment.

Geez, knife, you know, there were people from other nations in those buildings. Brits, Japanese, Canadians, and countless other nations lost people when those towers collapsed. I had a friend that we couldn't find for days, my best friend's sister was in tower 2. Don't cop the "America alone" thing with me, bud, I know the fear. I live on the border, to visit my friends across the ditch, I had guys with machine guns check out my car.

Very uncool, VERY uncool.:mad:
Ditto...shooting from the lip never pays.

See, this is why, while respecting freedom of speech, I think it would be good to keep politics off this board. We gather here on your board to exchange ideas, stories, etc. but when politics enter the fray, we can end up hurting each other instead of helping each other. Here at the flower shop, we discourage openly debating politics and religion for just the same reasons - feelings can get hurt, which thus result in people not wanting to help each other as much. Please consider it.

It's difficult to have freedom of speech while censoring what is said. Just my opinion.

The right to "freedom of speech" is limited due to circumstance. For example, in a crowded theater, can you yell "fire"? No, because it can cause panic and unnecessary injuries. Another example would be using vulgarities, bigoted, or racist comments on this board - I would hope Ryan would "censor" them immediately. Why? Because they only serve to hurt and divide people. You see, freedom of speech has its limitations as it should in a civilized society. That is why by excluding political comments on this board, we would promote greater harmony amongst us hard-working florists. We need to help each other, not get mad at each other.

In my humble opinion,

Frank I would love to be able to meet you some time...:)

I respectfully offer this opinion. I am a clear thinking, responsible adult with ethics and morals, as are the others on this board, the people in my world and satelite nations. I would no more yell fire in a crowded theatre, unless there was one, call people names, castigate people because of their race or creed, than fly to the moon on a shovel....therefore I am entitled to have the "right" of freedom of speech.

I loathe the fact the KKK and their ilk are allowed the same rights and freedoms as intelligent people, however, that's the bill of rights, charter of rights (depending on your country) point...neither says, except for you and you and you...both writs are pretty much all encompassing.

I have never worked anyplace where I and those I work with haven't been allowed to speak my/our mind/s. Like I mentioned to you in the past, my father fought for me to have that right...which I value more than most anything. So I will continue to speak my mind, I will expect those around me to do the same. I also try very hard not to say hurtful things to people, unlike Mr. Knife.
Victoria, If Infinite hadn't refered to President Bush as" blood thirsty", the comments wouldn't have been made on my part.

The Muslums, practicing the fundimentlist Wahhabi version of Islam, are the true blood thirsty ones. This death cult is running rampent throughtout the middle east. Threatening all western democracies and all the "moderate" Arab nation states. These are all the flakey ones you see on T.V. and read about in the papers everyday.

Quite frankly, as a women, living in a free democratic society. You should be in the forfront in support for the upcomming conflict. Women have the most to lose.
History also shows that women are the peacekeepers....check out Ireland sometime....it was the women who were instrumental in implementing the peace process.

Women have been subjegated over the centuries, true, and still are in many parts of the world. Don't assume for one second that I'm not aware of the struggles...however, education over bullets will win over the long term.

We can't bomb, shoot, gas, or whatever, each whacko the world produces...that is a no win situation. I watch the fiasco between Israel and Palestine...you shoot one of us, we'll shoot 2 of yours and so on....where is the winner there?

There are no easy answers...just more and more questions and constant fear that some one will decide that he wants to be king of the world...and after he pushes the magic button, he can survey all he has wrought (rot) and be king of nothing.
I don't agree with censorship in any way. Once it begins where does the line get drawn? Thank you but no.

I don't like what these radicals have done to our society but that's the way it goes. Things changed and now we have to live with them. When it all comes down to it *I* choose how I have to live. I choose to live it not being afraid, being paranoid about what it said and who's saying it. I prefer to enjoy being my friends and
my family as they are - warts and all.

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