Myspace Using Images

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Eric S

Demoted Webmaster
Jul 12, 2005
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I can tell from my access logs that my pictures are becoming very popular in the myspace community. From Balloon Pictures to Actual Flower Arrangements. And it seems that its very popular in the gay community as well.

Anyways what kind of an effect does this have our website? I think what is happening is the pictures are still somehow link to our site I really can't figure out why I can see the URLS at these myspace websites in my access logs.

They are probably direct-linking to the images.

If your webhost uses Cpanel you can easily disable direct linking from outside sources. It's nice to have your images be popular, but it can eat your bandwidth and you lose the benefit of people visiting your site to see the images.

Someone is calling your photo into their myspace page but not actually accessing your 'site'.

Your logs will show 'hits' and referrer links from these pages but no one will actually view 'your site' to buy flowers. Each page view from the calling page will create a new 'visitor' in your logs.

We've had many brides do that from wedding chat sites. I used to track them down but as long as our hits aren't creating higher bandwidth costs, I consider the links a compliment.

There are ways to block those links if you want to get rid of them. Not sure how it would happen with a Yahoo site but they probably have info on one of their Help pages.

Added: Oooops! Ryan was faster.
Just be careful ... We trimmed over 20GB of excess bandwidth use by tweaking the RFF blog settings. (I hate link spam!!)

You don't want to hit your quota mid-holiday and risk having your site go offline.

Find the images they are useing and watermark them with your URL, maybe you'll get business. :)
Awesome move Eric!
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