ProFlowers and Teleflora

We try and try and try to educate other florists in our area. It's like banging our heads against a brick wall.
I have had several conversations with 3 florists in my area and they all end up saying the same thing... they don't know where to begin.

I tell them about website providers, POS systems, and so much more but it doesn't seem to matter. They are set in their ways and they just don't see another way of doing things.

They see it as a way to move product during slow times. I would rather run a Friday special and sell it off cheap then support the wire service for one second. I would rather throw my money away then give them a dime to market against me.

It has taken us almost 3 years but our walking business is now running at 60% or more every day of the week. This past Saturday it was 100%. Thank heavens for our walkins or we would have had a big fat 0 of a day. This is what they don't want to bother with. They don't want to spruce up their stores. They don't want to drive traffic into their shops. They don't want to buy merchandise to stock the dusty shelves, rework silks that are 20 years old. They just don't want to do it. They would rather sit and wait for that machine to spit them another undervalued order. You can tell them how great it is to be FREE but the fact of the matter is they are scared to death of change. They would rather go down with the ship then learn to swim.

Sorry for the rant... it's late, I'm grumpy and tomorrow is Monday HAHAHAHA!!
Our outgoing exceeds our incoming.
But that's not the case for the majority of florists.... a rough number would be that 20% of the florists (plus the dOG's and wires) control 80+% of the orders on the outgoing side.
But that's not the case for the majority of florists.... a rough number would be that 20% of the florists (plus the dOG's and wires) control 80+% of the orders on the outgoing side.
the ONLY reason left to continue membership, that makes any sense, and at last count it's 17% Mark..getting smaller and smaller by the minute.