Ryan please

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New Member
Nov 12, 2002
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If I said pretty please with sugar and strawberries on it would you put the edit buttons back in the forums that used to have them?
I noticed they are missing from the dirty jokes one too, and in case I do offend.
(I'm not always famous for having the best of tastes with my humor, as well as my political comments)
So pretty pretty please?????
I say NO!

Let us not forget who EDITED MY WORDS HERE in a Forum last year when one had control as Moderater only to laugh it off as if I was the only one who thought it was not cool.

Ryan leave those Forums alone..no Edit button on those Political Free for All's or Dirty Jokes. Once you say it and post...tough Love.

I edited my comment tonight but I'm in a forum that is suggestions.
I really do not understand why you would remove an edit button at all. If they are there and working correctly you are only supposed to be able to edit your own posts.
Moderators can (or could?) edit anyone's posts.
I asked to have that ability taken away from me, so that no one can accuse me of editing or deleting their post in the flowerSoft forum.
Blue Oyster Cult said:
Let us not forget who EDITED MY WORDS HERE in a Forum last year when one had control as Moderater only to laugh it off as if I was the only one who thought it was not cool.

Ryan leave those Forums alone..no Edit button on those Political Free for All's or Dirty Jokes. Once you say it and post...tough Love.

I edited my comment tonight but I'm in a forum that is suggestions.

Good grief, chill Blue. He is just asking for an edit button so he can edit HIS OWN POSTS. All of the other forums have it and Ryan had it removed for the political one. Bloomz is just asking if the political one can have it back or do you think he shouldn't have the ability to edit his own posts.
Blue Oyster Cult said:
Let us not forget who EDITED MY WORDS HERE in a Forum last year when one had control as Moderater only to laugh it off as if I was the only one who thought it was not cool.

Ryan leave those Forums alone..no Edit button on those Political Free for All's or Dirty Jokes. Once you say it and post...tough Love.

I edited my comment tonight but I'm in a forum that is suggestions.

Get over it Shel.
I'll put a post up in Lost and Found for your sense of humor, okay?
I'm talking about editing my OWN posts - you got a problem with that?
I see you edited yours.
As someone famous for running off at the mouth and offending people, to later retract it, I would think you would understand that.
George Simon said:
Moderators can (or could?) edit anyone's posts.
I asked to have that ability taken away from me, so that no one can accuse me of editing or deleting their post in the flowerSoft forum.

Course you didn't have anyone constantly invading your software forum and cluttering it up with competing screen shots, did you?
Easy to say George but believe me, it would get quite old.....and it did.
Well, I think Blue was referring to something completely different here, like someone being able to change his words and make them appear as his own.
If Ryan removed the edit button, he must have have his reasons. Maybe he doesn't want to be accused of changing or deleting anyone's messages.

PS - Whenever MAS, Advantage, Daisy, RTI, FAS, Eagle, Wings or any other florist software provider or user, wants to do a feature by feature comparison of their $15,000 to 30,000+ systems vs our under $1,000 system, I'd be happy to host it in the flowerSoft forum. ;)
bloomz said:
Get over it Shel.
I'll put a post up in Lost and Found for your sense of humor, okay?
I'm talking about editing my OWN posts - you got a problem with that?
I see you edited yours.
As someone famous for running off at the mouth and offending people, to later retract it, I would think you would understand that.

Yeh, if you say so oh great one.
a while back....

we reached a "crossroads" at this great discussion and banter site.
as with ANY forum, you are responsible for what you say, and post, and as in (for example) the garish and rude posts made by Peter Plumley (Peter1), as an example, made it clear, that the writer of any composition must be held accountable for their own words, whether written in anger, misjudgement, or retribution!!
George has the right idea....it's very easy to "accuse", and once done, hard to unravel, SO, it is my opinion that every poster here, should carefully consider their posts PRIOR to uploading them to this site!!
We have a great resource here, and it's without question, one of the most prolific florist sites available, and it DOES INDEED, express the true feelings and colours of ALL writers here, and each writer, becomes their own worst nightmare, should he/she chose to lash out in anger, and should he/she chose to do so, and the general consensus indicates a "cooling off" period for such writer, who's words are out of character, then such action "CAN" be taken to allow a cooling off period through temporary suspension of posting rights to this site.
IF a poster continues an aggressive approach, WITHOUT a direction, or a possible conclusion to the discussion, and the discussion leads to possible hurt feelings, or open dialogue "warfare" then the poster can be suspended.
We ALL yell, lash out, and want to be heard...but, "ALMOST" anything goes...NOT EVERYTHING...and this site, and it's admininstrators are VERY LIBERAL, and VERY ACCOMODATING.
The "edit" button is therefore hidden, and will remain so for the forseeable future.
AGAIN, think and write, as if the person you were speaking to, is standing in front of you....
There are lots of other reasons to edit one's own post than anger. That is one reason I never edited for, but have edited my own for lots of other reasons. I think the edit button should always be available, but only for one's own posts and Ryan should be the only one to be able to edit someone else's post ever in any forum.
My sentiments exactly Patty, thank you.
Yep it's a silly. I edit posts all the time at ALL of the other boards I frequent. Not because I say stupid things but because I reread them and they sound sillly or there is a typo or something that is just mis information which I later learn of and then correct. It is idotic to not have them for those reasons. But whatever, I am not in charge here. Crossroads my A$$.
For clarification:
The edit button is available everywhere but the Politics Free For All - that's the issue, the ONLY issue.

So is there a reason why it's not in the politics room? Just curious really, I have not noticed so I guess I did not feel the need to edit there yet. I would be interested to know why. Of course no explantion is owed, just curious.
Gee isn't this what I said?

Infinite said:
For clarification:
The edit button is available everywhere but the Politics Free For All - that's the issue, the ONLY issue.


Blue Oyster Cult said:
Ryan leave those Forums alone..no Edit button on those Political Free for All's or Dirty Jokes. Once you say it and post...tough Love.

Did I not say these two forums only? Dang funny tough that the one requesting it makes the most political noise. :musical:
Ok, what about this. Let's say bloomz posts something in the political forum that makes total sense, he's right and we all agree. Unlikely I know. :)

How is he going to go in an edit and say something completely wrong if he can not edit the original? tehe!
Ok how about this Ryan

In the main page under Political Free for All it say's

"No holds barred, anything goes political discussion.
Free to say anything you like about politics, but don't anybody dare complain about hurt feelings"

Just add in the words to this statement something like 'once you submit your post or comments there is no editing Flip-Flop'.
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