Announcement Thank You, Gina!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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For the past year and a half, FlowerChat has been blessed with the talents and passion of @Gina B Kellogg who served as our Community Manager. During that time Gina helped develop our newsletter (which I believe is the most-read email newsletter in the floral industry), managed our social media profiles, and helped to foster conversation within the forums of FlowerChat.

As readers of our newsletter will already be aware, Gina has been offered the position of Editorial Director for Children International, an organization dedicated to fighting child poverty. While we hate to lose Gina after all the great work she has done, I know that Children International needs her even more, and the work she can accomplish there will have a major impact on lives all around the world.

Please join me in both thanking Gina for her time on the FlowerChat team, and in wishing her much success and joy in her new position!


PS: If you have enjoyed Gina’s posts or benefited at all from the content she provided, please consider going to today to sponsor a child. FlowerChat is already sponsoring a child, and our family will be looking for creative ways to sponsor more!
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Thank you so much, Ryan! It's been my complete pleasure to work with FlowerChat and get to know so many of its members! And thanks for the plug for CI! It is a fantastic organization! And your support and thoughtfulness makes my heart so happy!
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Thank you so much, Ryan! It's been my complete pleasure to work with FlowerChat and get to know so many of its members! And thanks for the plug for CI! It is a fantastic organization! And your support and thoughtfulness makes my heart so happy!

Here's a pic of our guy, Breilyn Yadiel Vilaseta Fermín. He was on CI's "been waitin' a long time" list, and he's a big baseball fan living in the Dominican Republic. I love that CI gives profiles of the kids' interests, and a gauge of how long they have been waiting and how desperate the need is.

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