what would you do


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2004
South Burlington
State / Prov
I just went over to the Price Chopper Grocery store about 1/4 mile from shop to buy a fruit bowl and some other assorted foods for the staff. This is a store that we buy most of our fruit from for fruit baskets also so we spend a fair amount of money there. They are also the one large grocery chain that has a large amount of space donated to floral. So of course I made a point of checking out the floral while I was there. This department is managed by an employee that I fired probably 10 years ago. after I had left the area I heard her make a comment which I believe she intended for me to hear that she had heard a customer complain about crappy flowers she got from Chappell's I had all I could do not double back to that area and let my Italian/ Irish personality take over but I proceeded to pick up the few items I wanted and left? I am pretty hot under collar at the moment so I have learned never to speak while teally ticked off.
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Walk away...most of the time, people know that comments like that coming from certain people are just commonplace and you look better just not saying anything...not worth the scene...
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Stick your nose in the air and look down on trailer trash like that. She is obviously still bitter that you got rid of her and she is now stuck in the corner. let your flowers do the talking..

Or/and you could park your van advertising your shop outside their shop for maybe a day or so??

I would probably also, when you have calmed down, have a quiet word with the store manager about the comment. he/she will probably not be happy about it as it does not look good when people slag off the competition. Especially if you mention Slander.. :) It would stop her from doing it again..
Up date once I calm down and decided that I should call the store manager which I did I explained who I was and the fact that we ar ein there all the time . I explain to him what happen and he was taking back and apologized up and dwon and said that he would make sure something like that never happen again and that it was completely unprofessional. So we shall see I know this its been a long time since I gotten that mad at anyone and being tired probably did not help my disposition any .
hehe great minds think alike, we were typing at the same time :) Glad its sorted.. :)
Glad you told the manager. I would want to know if my employees were bad mouthing the competion. It reflects poorly on the grocery store to have her there.
I would think the store manager was concerned about libel issues, so you definately did the right thing in calling and reporting the incident. This type of behavior is more than un-acceptable and un-professional, it's against the law here. Even when a customer tries to engage me in trodding on the competition, I don't participate.

You did REALLY good to maintain your own integrity, even though you had to have been embarrassed and appalled.