Announcement Change Is Here!

well someone did...if it wasn't Ryan. Someone who has ACCESS to changing the coding for the vbulletin forum FC uses. Someone who can MANUALLY input someone's username and IP address!! I may be sweet but I'm not stupid. I suppose then Ryan is the fall guy.

Hacks to vbulletin can only be added by people with access to the admin panel.

If I recall correctly JB had the same problems during his temporary suspension. I believe you were finally able to get in after his suspension was lifted.
Ryan and his family are good people... I mean from the heart, honest and good people. This is not what he supports in any part of his life.

That's what I mean Victoria. You and I have seen him playing with his kids, we know what he does for his church, etc. I know that stuff is separate and he doesn't talk about it so I shouldn't either but it just doesn't add up.

People are quick jump on Ryan and find fault - even when there really isn't any evidence. I think the fact that he leaves this stuff on here (he could have yanked this post as soon as it went up but he didn't) says a lot about his character.
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And sadly speaks to the character of those who fling it out there without forethought. This whole thread has disintegrated into something that makes me sick.

My intention is never to offend, but good grief this is just beyond tolerance.

I'm afraid you aren't getting it after all. :)

Probably true Goldfish. My wife tells me that all the time.

Several of your posts in this thread referred to the number ($100) as being too high. You even suggested some numbers that you felt were fair. Because of that I got the idea that the issue was the price and not the principle.

I clearly misunderstood and for that I am sorry. I need to bow out of this one and do so - as always - with the utmost respect for your opinion.
Aileen - If you would like to call me at my shop tomorrow, I will be happy to discuss your issues with FC access with you. Right now you're being used as a pawn in a very un-funny game.


Added: Things are not what they seem. Be careful who you think your friends who are goading you on are. I should know, since I've made the same mistake.
My post will probably get lost in a sea of drama, but here's my plan of attack if anyone is listening.

I plan to take a test drive for $20 for the month of February. If I like what I see, I'll renew for a year. If not, I'll take a break and down the road I'm sure my FC friends will keep in informed and convince me to come back if things improve.

The way I see it, if I don't like it, I'm only out $20, but if I do like it, I get 13 months for $120, which averages to $9.23 per month, a little more than if you took the $100 option right out of the gate.

I'm looking at this from my personal perspective, not who will gain or who will lose. For those on the fence, I think this is the logical approach.
Reading these posts got me to thinking, what has FC done for my business.
1.Helped me find a great POS- Thanks Floristware
2.Dollar tree vases last year- saved $400
3. Holiday arrangement ideas- priceless
4. Found out about Flowerbuyer- saved Mucho buckos
5. Found great shops to send orders to
6. Many hours of learning- we all know what education costs
7. Funny & thoughtful stories to share with my help - we all need a story a day
8. Learned some good ad campaigns
9. Priceless new florist friends
10. Education is a key to keeping our industry going - I learn something each time I check in here- I've been in the business since 1968.
I'm sure there's more, but, it's late.
Think about what the FC has helped you with & write it down.
Thanks Ryan, I know there's alot of work (& stress) with FC. Count me in.
Aileen - If you would like to call me at my shop tomorrow, I will be happy to discuss your issues with FC access with you. Right now you're being used as a pawn in a very un-funny game.


Added: Things are not what they seem. Be careful who you think your friends who are goading you on are. I should know, since I've made the same mistake.

I have been nothing but truthful on this board. When someone wants to tell me the know where to find me.
At this point, everyone involved, I am disgusted and I think it's pitiful that this goes on. That people would stoop to use and play on someone's sincerity and kindness. I am truly hurt.

Ryan, I don't know the whole truth, only God does. If it didn't occur, I apologize to you. If it did, really sad. From this point on, I no longer want to be affiliated with FC or anyone who left FC. I had a passion for flowers....had is the key word there. Being here for almost 2 years...KILLED it. Ryan please delete me from FC. Please take me serious with this request. Thank you.
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Well, have it your way and continue to be a pawn of some faux friends. I too know the truth and you know where to reach me.

I am mystified by this. I have been in contact with Aileen, and have heard about how she could not log on for MONTHS, and got no help from the Admins.

What you have typed above REALLY makes it sound like you know that Aileen was deliberately blocked from logging on. I hope that's not what you are saying, cuz that is just a CRUDDY way to treat a member! She is owed at least an explanation, and I believe has asked for one.

I was blocked from the political forum for a couple of weeks once, because someone thought that I needed to cool down. I thought it was quite unfair, but at least I was given an explanation.
I clearly misunderstood and for that I am sorry. I need to bow out of this one and do so - as always - with the utmost respect for your opinion.

Counting the number of exclamation marks thrown at me in this thread, I have to say you are in the very minority.

My questions regarding this change, which I thought were reasonable especially from someone who has contributed to this community, have been characterized as "confused" "personal attacks." That was very unfortunate. Basically, the message I got is that, unless you agree completely, you automatically becomes an obstruction for the noble cause.

For the last 4 yrs, I have always tried to speak my mind candidly in this forum, not for the sake of playing a devil's advocate, but that's what I genuinely believed. I do feel like taking credit for certain changes that some florists in this forum have implemented in their businesses, particularly in the area of how to compute WS profitability and pricing. Perhaps because my positions are often at odds with popular belief, I think I've received more than usual share of groans and red dots. That's my contribution in this board, being a counter thesis.

I'm a little worried though that when I leave (which I will), who will be playing the role of counter thesis, or someone who is willing to challenge the status quo. To tell you the truth, I always felt a lot of pressure to say something I know will tick off a lot of people, some even angry. It's not a pleasant job to do, a spoiler. I hope Goldfish2 will emerge in the new Flower Chat, because, really, you would need him/her.

Finally, thanks for everyone who has contacted me to stay, but I do not want to participate in the process that I strongly disagree. So that's it. If you ever need to contact me for whatever the reason, I will be always available. Good bye!
I would like to know the expected frequancy of these articles from the experts - the "premium" content - as I feel that this where I would be getting my moneys worth, particularly as my 2 Most Valuable Posters don't seem to be coming onboard. Sorry Ryan if this information is already there, I must have missed it.

I too hope we get a Goldfish2. I have always appreciated the fact that there has been a Goldfish and others like him to counter what some folks believe are "great ideas" but in reality they just hadn't thought them out fully, not as a solution for "everyman". Even though Goldfish has copped a lot of flack from folks chosing to view his alternate opinion as personal attacks he has kept on trying to voice the other side of the argument and showing a different opinion. Thank you Goldfish, and thank you also Joe Mioux for your informative posts.

I completely understand the reluctance of some like Goldfish and Joe Mioux to pony up - they have been premium contributors, providing valuable opinions and information to the lurkers like me.

Edit: Of course it goes without saying that there are other valuable posters here. That's why I didn't say it, but you know how some people can be ;)
At this point, everyone involved, I am disgusted and I think it's pitiful that this goes on. That people would stoop to use and play on someone's sincerity and kindness. I am truly hurt.

Ryan, I don't know the whole truth, only God does. If it didn't occur, I apologize to you. If it did, really sad. From this point on, I no longer want to be affiliated with FC or anyone who left FC. I had a passion for flowers....had is the key word there. Being here for almost 2 years...KILLED it. Ryan please delete me from FC. Please take me serious with this request. Thank you.

Aileen, I am truly sorry this happened to you. It is rude and disrespectful, and completely unprofessional. You know where to find me. I think you are a sweet, kind person and I hope that you continue to keep in touch with the true good people and friends that you met here. I wish you the best and I really hope you continue in this industry real soon.

I will not be returning to FC once my acccess is removed. Thank you to everyone here, especially the admins for their time and efforts. I have made some lifelong connections and I am very grateful for that. To everyone, please keep in touch on FB, twitter, email or anywhere. [email protected] 610.630.8827

Heather Drummond Tuckey
Well, If I wasn't sure before the last 20 posts, I sure am now. I remember when Aileen could not get on and kept asking for help.
I think it is pathetic that she was so excited to have access to FC once the Change happened and was extremely positive toward Ryan and his fee in many posts. Ryan
was actually kind to her in a few responses. Anything for the membership? hmmmm. Sure makes Aileen look like a fool. She deserves an explanation...and maybe everyone does.
I have no interest to be a part of this.
This is more than is the hundred bucks a fair price or not, to me.
My very first thought when reading the Change was no big deal, it is worth a hundred bucks.
I have gotten and given tips, advise and ideas for the past 2 years.

I feel Ryan has a right to ask for a fee for his work. I have to say, his attitude is what turned me off. The poor me working for free for 7 years....over and over...
so , now you all have to pay me...sounds like he's 12. I think he could of presented this in a different manner and this thread would not have been near this long.

It does not sit well with me that he feels he has the right to sell content that he has collected over the past 7 years. Legal or not. It feels sly.
To be fair, charge the fee and start your forum fresh, without the past posts.
I. too will be signing off, after 6 years. I just wanted to sy that before my wings are clipped.
I have had a great time here sharing thoughts, ideas and conversations, while meeting new friends.
This is all disintegrating very quickly, and I don't want to stay to see it continue to get worse!!
For those who have provided this experience- thanks!
I wish you, all, the best of luck in your endeavors. For those I consider freinds, I hope to see you, in the future,
and" On-line", in other forums. I .once, looked forward to my FC fix each day, and will miss it and everyone involved.
It is sad to say good-bye!! For those who wish to keep in touch, [email protected] and facebook.
Dave Hamilton
I would hope that there will be a way for current members who choose not pay the new fee to maintain access to the old threads. I agree with the Admins here that you can not simply delete posts from the threads. For the forum to remain valuable, the continuity of the threads must remain. Ryan, you have a valuable library at your disposal. Use it well and wisely.

I do ask that you allow former members access to the archived threads. I think that is reasonable, fair and in keeping with the Christian spirit.

Being able to access my FC information from time to time would be very helpful to me. I do refer back to my business threads here when writing articles for other publications or when trying to help someone in the floral business.


Thanks for a reasoned and well-present post. I appreciate the time and thought you put into it. As a vB owner yourself you know how the permissions systems can be complicated, but powerful. I will check into the feasibility of implementing your suggestion.

This place often gets criticized for all the redundant threads and the mantra of some “all talk … no action, but that will change soon when we band together.” I disagree. We did do a lot of talking and within those threads we all learned something new, or at least I hope we did. I know I did. Over the years, I have refined my positions on certain aspects of this industry. That never would have happened had this forum not existed. Rehashing Basement Betty’s or WS issues, or cookie cutters vs custom threads is good. Every time we brought up those issues, new ideas were formed and one’s own position may have been altered for the better. No those redundant threads are good. It’s how we learn.

I agree - I know my opinions on several issues have changed over time as the issues are rehashed with new input. Sometimes it get tiring, but often they serve to either solidify or revise positions.
I stayed away to collect my thoughts. I wanted to because I've vested a considerable amount of my time, my companies time, and most importantly, my families time to FlowerChat. I originally was gleeful about the change, but some real valid points have been made throughout this thread. This past year has been a mix of gratification and of angst. While many may not see it, the plight of the B&M world is not of the Special Event world. This forum is about B&M period, all other entries are additional tid bits. I never gave second thought to rights to posts, gave it the freely given freely taken, although I really doubt any of my posts or ideas helped or not.

Long story short, now that I have concluded that my ideas earned to me by long years of experience and back breaking labor not to mention all the financial trial by errors that I have to pay to give away with no rights to them? I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. I think the dynamics of this forum have changed, at least for me. I will miss the social aspects, even with the wing nuts, but there are other social networks for that need.

I can't edit anymore, I'm posting this as my final decision and that's that. If anyone needs sourcing or help with anything I'm on Facebook regularly, you can find me there.

Good bye.

PS I have 25 grand in Casino Cash I will freely give to anyone on the fence who needs the nudge to jump in. post to this post was picked up by google....perhaps a hack or tweak or whatever needs to be done would prevent this...I am not so happy to have that seen from a private board...thanks

Your FC Chat below was picked up by Google. Ooopsie!

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Flowers From The Rainflorist
Sunrise the center of Fort Lauderdale, Fl
Join Date
Oct 2002
Thanked 714 Times in 311 Posts

I did some rough math and appreciate all of the time that has gone into maintaining FC...over the years I have contributed without being asked...actually I encouraged Ryan to create a donation button. The question that jumps out to me is...what does my 100 bucks contribute to. Is it income for it a source for expanding it going to be used to promote real florists like we have talked about for freakin years. Adding up the potential members, my figures show this could be well over 200 grand...and then some as FC grows.I ask how my money will be used as I am trimming like a wild woman like many of you and will have to sacrifice something in order to drop 100 bucks so other than having the chat and picking up some tidbits ..and at over 200 grand, it is a expensive chat will the money be used. Please dont be offended, I just need to make some decisions and I want to make sure my money is really going to benefit me in the industry as a whole...if I chose not to spend the money, I sure will miss all that doggone casino cash I finally earned by blogging about the FC and coming in second...
Flowers From The Rainflorist
Serving all of Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding cities.

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Where professional florists grow FC Professional Florist Community

Read more: Announcement Change Is Here!
Where professional florists grow FC Professional Florist Community