13 things you should NEVER say to a Florist:

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This one is from my early days...

me; "hello, flowershop"
Customer; "Can you hold, thanks!"

Wait for it...

Customer: " hi, are you there?"
Me: "yes, how can I help you?"
customer; (in announcer voice)"would you like to save money on your monthly phonebill by up to 50%?"
me: "no, i'm filthy rich and this is my hobby answering the phone all day at a flowershop."
They hang up...guess they realized I was being sarcastic.
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"You own a flower shop, How relaaaaxing"!

Said to me in mid december at my husbands office party. If she only knew what it took for me get there. I looked at her like she had 3 heads.

"you have such a lovely job"

Oh yeah, you must get that impression from maybe my nails, no? or well my manicured hands, no? then my dirty trainers, no? then it must be my bedraggled hair, no?, is it my thermal long johns that i have to wear cos of the cold? no? Or, my apron with green stains on it?

Oh, it must be because i still manage to look happy to serve you and listen to the story about your uncles budgies dogs sister even though i have a hundred and one things to do before i can close lol

bitter? No i love it really lol
These are great!! i'm going to post some of these on our website, with a little story. consumers and wholesalers don't always appreciate a retail florists business.
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1) It must be sooo much fun playing with flowers all day!
We get this at least once if not 2x a day

2) God, you look tired/rough/dead
Either spoken to each other working behind the counter or from a couple of our good customers that we can joke with.

3) It must be really relaxing to work in a flower shop
Very similiar to #1 so i'd say once to twice a day

4) *phone rings* Hello, I received flowers from you
over 7 days ago and they are all dead. I want a refund!
Maybe 2x in the four years we've been owners.

5) I can get that cheaper in Tesco/Asda/Morrisons
Customers saying it outloud. Maybe 6-12 times them just saying they can get it cheaper at XX spot.

6) Don't you just LOVE artificial flowers?!'
Don't think we've had this one. Maybe the exact opposite in our case. Had some comments that they are making them look more and more realistic with technology.

7) So... how long have you been a flower arranger?
Yes a couple of times in the four years. Sometimes they say like well do you have to go to school for this? Or it must be in your blood, something along those lines.

8) HOW MUCH??? But that grows wild in my garden!!!
Again maybe 6-12 times in the 4 years. Mostly its about "filler" type flowers - asters, solidago, and babies breath we find it the most. "Those are weeds"

9) When I retire I'd like to buy a little florist shop
Yeah...haha or what we get that is similar "i've always wanted to work in a flower shop" most I would say wouldn't want to own a shop...more just work in the shop to "play" with flowers all day.

10) If you were a lady, would you like these?
hahahaha yeah when we are pulling things out of the cooler for customers, they say well if you were to receive these would you like it or what would you like? You're a girl, what do you like.

11) These ALL look DEAD. Don't you have anything FRESHER in the back?
Probably still in that 6-12 times a year. I think the media has taught the customers that there is usually "fresher" flowers in the back.

12) I do flower arranging myself, you know
Yeah we have gotten this a few times as well. Usually they are very "special" people. Either say they are specialists or have done corespondance courses.

13) You are sooo lucky to have such a glamorous job!
I would say this question and #1 and #3 are the same. "being a floral designer or working in a flower shop is not a "real" job." We've had some people say this to us. It must be a great job. There is no stresses and people are always in good moods.....hahaha I have to laugh about this one.
I had one the other day. "my friend is getting married and i'mdoing the flowers in silk.how do you make a cascade bouquet using callas and big red roses?
'Do you deliver?'I always want to say 'No we just do chicken and fish !!! LOL

do you do liver ... Soooooooo funny. Peter Kay (see Palm comment) is such a funny man - when he's not being a woman
Or how about when you have a store stuffed with flowers that just came in that morning and you barely have room to put them all and some dinkus comes in and says, "Is this all you have"? I swear, sometimes my employees have to gently pull me into the backroom so I don't just go off on them.
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