ezbloomers Intro


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May 14, 2010
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EZBloomers.com ensures that you get 100% of every order you receive from us.

NO waiting to get paid - customer pays you.
NO order gatherers or 3rd party orders.
NO monthly or sign up fees (pay only $5.50 per order).
NO commissions or clearing house fees (you get 100%).
NO wire services (the order goes from the customer directly to you).

This means more value for the customer and an increase in earning potential with improved cash flow for you. We are an independent business. We are not a" wire service" or "order gatherer" and are not affiliated with any of them.

Check us out at: https://www.ezbloomers.com/florists/
1) Yes delivery fee is included. Our product pricing has been adjusted to reflect a delivery fee.
2) The florist collects the sales tax. During registration, partner florists enter their sales tax percentage for each delivery area, which is used to calculate the the total amount the customer will be charged. We never bill the customer for anything. Customer data including credit card information is forwarded directly to the florist for all billing.

Kimba...welcome to the FlowerChat Community... we're glad you joined us.

Your concept sounds intriguing. Once you register, to see whats behind the curtain, is there a members list? More information? Are you automatically registered to get orders? How is the $5.50 collected and how do you know if a consumer places an order? Are there plans to allow for image uploads, to get away from the JH images?
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1) In an effort to protect the privacy of our partner florist we have no plans to make a list available. If requested we would be happy to provide one, assuming our partner florists approve.
2) All of the information is posted on the site and accessible to everyone. Have you read the FAQ and the Florist Agreement. These links are also listed at the bottom of the For Florist page on our site. Additionally, I would be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.
3) Once you are fully registered you automatically become available to receive orders.
4) Part of the registration process is providing a means of payment. We notify you by e-mail and/or text msg that you have order, simply login to your order status page on our site to retrieve it.
5) Our original design was centered around allowing each florist to create, upload and maintain their own products including images. This quickly became cumbersome to mange and many florist frankly didn't want to work that hard. So, we came up with a generic product list. Partner florists have a say in the product list, we provide everyone continuous opportunity for feed back. Yes, you can suggest a new item, removal of an item or a price change. If enough florist request it the changes will be made.
Thank you for all the questions,
We are not a referral site, we capture the order on behalf of the partner florist and make it available to them on the Order Status page.
Notification is given to the florist via e-mail and/ or text msg that an order is available. The Order Status page is accessible on our site.
We always know who the florist, customer and recipient are.

Thanks for the question,
I think the idea here is for the consumer to have a direct link to a florist, not florist to florist.

Kimba, you will run into a lot of opposition about the delivery charges, they vary greatly across the nation.

Also wondering how you plan on capturing a large audience, do you plan on sponsoring ads for various key-words or do you hope the name will become widely known and searched for organic results?

At the moment, I have no intention of registering. I can go for a week without checking my email and wouldn't know a text message if it bit me. I think you might consider an alternate such as fax or come up with a desk-top notifier.

That's just a thought, I still would not consider registering, simply because I have my own site, showing many of the same items you do, at DIFFERENT PRICES, PLUS DELIVERY. It would make no sense for me to take those hits when I show up pretty well already.

Your thoughts are good ones, I do not mean to be disparaging, it just is not for me.

Linda, I welcome and appreciate your comments. Thanks for allowing me to respond and clarify some of the points that seem to have been missed. We are strictly a customer to florist site.
Consider that, we are the alternative to the wire services and order gatherers who cut deeply into your business. We are not middlemen, our mission is to extend the reach of the local florist allowing them to compete with the much larger wire services and order gatherers. This way florists across the nation can happily accept orders from anywhere without having to give their soul for them. We deliver nothing directly to the customer nor do we need you to buy anything from us.

Florists have nothing to lose and everything to gain by registering; a) you don't pay anything unless you get an order. b) you can reject the order and it will simply be sent to a florist in your area who will accept it. c) You get 100% of the order. d) The order is clearly one you would not get otherwise. e) You have the ability to influence the pricing and availability of products.

I agree delivery fees will vary. We allowed for an average delivery fee in the product price. As stated, as a registered florist you can suggest adjustments to the pricing.

We are in the process of registering partner florist who want an alternative and who want a say in what they sell. Our site is not yet open to the public, the plan is to open our doors mid-summer.
Our plans include advertising, key-word purchase and organic growth.

I was not clear on our notification procedures. They are; e-mail, text msg, fax, desk-top via the Order Status page, and if all else fails we call you.

Because the customer and the recipient will be surveyed on their experience every florist has the opportunity to stand out or not. Take note of the very prominent Designer's Choice option on our home page. We strongly advocate designer creativity, in fact we require the customer to answer the same designer choice questions for every item. Which encourages them to allow the florist to do what they do best.

Thank you for your comments / questions,
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I can go for a week without checking my email and wouldn't know a text message if it bit me. I think you might consider an alternate such as fax or come up with a desk-top notifier.


How do you get your online internet orders?...........you must have an email account that gets checked for orders at least hourly.
b) you can reject the order and it will simply be sent to a florist in your area who will accept it.
And this will be done how?

The name on the registration for the URL is not familiar to me... who's the "who's who" in this start up? I mean, are there florists behind the company, and if so who?

If not, it's a moot point IMO...
We always know who the florist, customer and recipient are.

I just find this one little sentence says alot.

I have no problem with this setup coming from the european & asian markets because otherwise those orders might never reach us, but there is no reason for it here.

In order for them to get these orders they have to compete against LOCAL shops for organic listings, pay per clicks and it will only serve to confuse the consumer further. If it was nothing but a true referral site, that would be one thing... but it's not, because the consumer must place the order only on the ezbloomer site and within their system.

And I would like to point out that our experience on internet orders is that most customers feel more comfortable calling their orders in - at least the first time - we get 3 orders called into us from our website for every 1 that is placed directly. If this type of service were to provide individual shop phone numbers, they would have no way to track the orders & charge the fee.

I think we would all be better off promoting our own local websites for our own shops instead of relying on a service that will ultimately be competeing with us in our own markets.
The question I would pose is that do you currently accept incoming wire orders? If the answer is yes (which it is in most cases) why not accept an ezbloomers order. 1). 100% value 2) No Commissions 3) we give you the customer (so you can market to them) 4) You get paid right away 5) there is no one in the middle thus better customer service. 6) and you would receive florists friendly order. How could that be a bad thing? We are an advocate for the florists. We are trying to put back the emphasis on a florist consumer direct relationship, and have less involvement in the middle. I would submit to you that an ezbloomer orders are more profitable then an incoming wire order. Why not participate? and help put back the focus where it belongs to the florist and the consumer. I think collectively its time to think outside of the box and try to restore the wire order piece of the industry to better value for the consumer and a quality order for the florists.
A detail description of the process along with answers to many other questions can be found on our site in the Frequently Asked Questions page.

I started my technology carrier in the florist industry in the mid 70's. I was a member of the design team who created and installed the very first computer based billing system for florists. Our first installion was at Conner Park Flowers in Michigan.


Speaking strictly of the internet / online buyer - the customer is already confused by the wire services, the order gatherers and the many choices of other sites. Those are the people we compete with. We provide this type of customer with an alternative that cost them less (no service fees) and gets them better value (florist gets 100% of order).

As for local competition consider this - before the internet, florists advertised in their community hoping to build a strong local presence and a steady and loyal cliental. Today with everybody having web sites every florist accross the nation that can be found on the internet competes with the local florist. So, the florist two counties over, takes an order that should be yours without providing that special one on one service or even any service at all except passing the order on to you and collecting 20%. Seems to me when it comes to online orders florists are taking from each other. At least with us you get the order that is rightfully yours and you get 100% of it.

Hi All:
I should take a moment to re-introduce myself to flower chat community....My name is Abner Maldonado.....been in the industry since 1973..... Have developed the IMS system (later became Rosebud)....Developed the A&T Express system later become (RTI)... Along with Bruce Mc Shan founded the MAS system....All these systems are still functioning today! I have known the president of ezbloomers (KImba Vasquez for over 40 years). When he approach me about ezbloomers I instantly shared in excitement. Cause I see the potential value it can bring to florists, and felt that once florists understood the concept they would want to be a part of this movement. I understand some of the skepticism out there -- another gimmick in the industry. But it really isn't....It is all about creating a win win environment for florists, consumers and hopefully ezbloomers. If you would check out the track record of the president of the company (Kimba Vazquez) and mine. You would see that historically we are oriented towards our partners which are the florists and have brought great business ideas and technology to our partners...