FTD delivers quality?

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That is true tulip. But I can tell you that most of the orders we get for merc-out are orders we would have never have gotten in the first place if it weren't for a strong search presence.

For instance, during *the week* of mother's day we ranked 3rd for the keyphrase "mothers day flowers" in Google organically (the site is currently 10th in sleepmode until next year). We got 10,000 hits in 4 days and did a lot of orders. These are orders I would have never gotten if I wasn't in the right spot at the right time.

But I understand your point as it relates to my local customers. All the messed up orders came from customers who were say....for example: in New York sending to New York....and I'm in California.
Here are my woulda coulda numbers for May:

5 after 2 hours = $50.00
1 after 24 hours = $20.00

Total = $70.00

My FTD June Statement is now available online, fortunately I don't have an attachment to show my penalty numbers for the delayed response because there weren't any (incoming & outgoing). I'm curious how everyone else did?
My FTD Statement is now available online, fortunately I don't have an attachment to show my penalty numbers for the delayed response because there weren't any (incoming & outgoing). I'm curious how everyone else did?

Section B FTD Wire Orders

Delayed Response One for 10.00 CR
One for 95.00 CR

No debits
Yup I show 3 a's @ $10, 1 b @ $20 and 2 c's each @ $99.80. Outgoing only, no incoming - do they show those?

I'll look them up tomorrow and see who they were (the c's) and mark them Don't Send.

Rock On.
My FTD June Statement is now available online, fortunately I don't have an attachment to show my penalty numbers for the delayed response because there weren't any (incoming & outgoing). I'm curious how everyone else did?

Same as you, no penalties either way.
send away!!!!!!!!!

Yup I show 3 a's @ $10, 1 b @ $20 and 2 c's each @ $99.80. Outgoing only, no incoming - do they show those?

I'll look them up tomorrow and see who they were (the c's) and mark them Don't Send.

Rock On.
Why in the world would you not want to send to the same florists over and over again. Cha-Ching.:wallhead:
I like my customers Jer - silly me.
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