I can't hide it anymore.....

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I know it's a joke but in really really poor taste, I'd say.
Just my humble opinion, but wow...

no one understands who hasn't been there.

Men and women are different, takes a while to get that and embrace the differences, but abuse doesn't fit into the picture anywhere.
Yeah I read that as well in my email. Crass joke......

On a different note, my video isn't showing up anymore. Hmm..off to figure out why.

Ok video fixed...don't know how but it did. :)
Yes, Marriage is tough.

Some 12 years ago, I about had it with my husband. We had grown so far apart. He was a good father to our daughter and a good provider but , not a husband. I always said he wanted a mother not a wife. I wanted a divorce but then he got ugly about it and I had second thoughts. I had even been to the lawyer and filed. We agreed to maintain the household. We were cordial (with a few exceptions) but that's about it. As the years past, my daughter graduated from college and moved away, I got breast cancer, battled that pretty much on my own. (He did come to some office visits and a few chemo treatments with me.) Then he became sick...congestive heart failure, diabetes and all the related complications....and then my Leukemia struck! At one point he and I were some pretty sick puppies. His health declined over the years. I got better but unfortunately he didn't, he was diagnosed with Lung cancer. I was there for him though, I took him to all his doctors visits, chemotherapy. I told him I loved him when I saw him suffering in pain. I kissed him after not having kissed him in years. I was there when he lost control of his bowels and I cleaned it an him up.
I type this with tears in my eyes...my one regret was I wasn't there when he passed. The nurse told me she didn't think he would go during the night so I went home to sleep. In the morning just as I was leaving to go back to the hospital I received a call that there was a change in his condition. He passed before I got there. He knew my schedule and I think he didn't want me to see him go.
Love doesn't die, it has many shapes and sizes. I think God's plan for me was to be there for Frank, and I don't regret staying in the marriage.
Everyone has a story, this is mine, everyone's journey is different.
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