Today the project is ranked at 164. Please keep voting and thank you all for your continued support. I have been e-mailing and calling our TV stations, radio stations and have even posted on Tony Robbins facebook page (I hope I don't get blocked!). Hey, he has over 80,000 fans so I thought it was worth a shot!
We are back at 164 right now. Thank you for your continued support! If you have any ideas, no matter how crazy, that you would do if you were in my shoes, I am all ears!
Okay, I got a little crazy today. I emailed our senator, governor, city mayor, Ellen, Oprah, Jennifer Garner (she is from here) just to name a few. Any other ideas? I also posted on Kathy Griffin, John Maxwell, and a few others on FB. Any other ideas?
I have e-mailed our tv stations multiple times and have e-mailed every radio station. One TV station did a quick blurb and added the project as their feature on their site. The rest of them won't call me or e-mail me back.
As for the newspaper, I have one contact there who does the animal page for the shelter. They will have a mention about it when that page is printed next (perhaps Sunday) but I haven't had success getting someone to actually write a story.
You know, you would think that if a county facility can get $50,0000 FREE and all they need are votes, everyone in the area should be aware and voting.
I'm still plugging away, though. I also wrote on the wall of many FB people too including Betty White and lots of pages with the word "animal" in them like the animal planet, etc.
As of right now, we are at 159. If it is in His plan, God will make it happen. If not, I hope I can handle the loss with grace and dignity. I am feeling a little stressed.
Four days ago, it was at 177th, you've moved up almost 20 places, and people are still out of town. Your average is GREAT! Just keep posting the link again, so that it is really easy for people to vote.
May I suggest a letter to the editor... particularly using this line... "You know, you would think that if a county facility can get $50,0000 FREE and all they need are votes, everyone in the area should be aware and voting."
Keep ragging on them. It's a potentially feel good story... we need more of those.
Linda you're right, I do need to chill. I have 2 weddings and an anniversary party tomorrow so I don't have time to freak out.
V, great idea on contacting the editor! I will do that this weekend. Animal rescue...I'm not sure. I did a search on FB with the word, animal, and posted a bunch of stuff. Yes, I also contacted Cesar via his website.
Good word today, Flower shop network called me this morning and they are going to put in our their blog!!!! I love getting support from unusual places! I'll take it in the usual places too!!!
Last night we did rank at 159 but we are currently back at 163. This feels like a weight loss chart! LOL
Please keep voting!! Please bug all your contacts, friends and family!!!
Thanks everyone!!
I'll go take a pill now. Maybe my DR. can up my prescription for the month of July! LOL
Thank you for your continued support. We are currently ranked at 158 this morning. Gotta dash! I have to drive an hour to deliver my first wedding. Then back to the shop for the second delivery for another wedding. Then an anniversary party this evening. Plus all the other regular stuff!
Good morning everyone. I did my voting this morning and we are ranked about 163 range. Now that my big weekend is over, hopefully I can devote some time this week to get the word out!
Good morning everyone. I did my voting this morning and we are ranked about 163 range. Now that my big weekend is over, hopefully I can devote some time this week to get the word out!
Strider donated some Facebook ad time. We ran the ad for four days and got 216 clickthroughs to your project's page. I hope that translated into some votes for you!
We have slipped down to 167 right now. I am still contacting as many people as I can and work at the same time! I don't think the problem is that we are not getting votes. I think the problem is that others are gathering more which causes us to slip further down.
I am still e-mailing, calling and FBing as much as I can to get the word out.
Thanks again to all of you who support this project even though you don't know me and won't benefit from the program directly. It means alot considering I am having difficulty getting local support from local people who will benefit from it.