Is there a prize ?

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
For the 100th member ?

And Ryan, who won the refferal contest, or did I miss something ?
Originally posted by BOSS
For the 100th member ?

And Ryan, who won the refferal contest, or did I miss something ?

Prize for the 100th member: A great feeling of pride for everyone here that we have become the biggest, fastest growing, most visited and (IMHO) bestest floral community around. We are continuing to expand our advertising efforts, but word-of-mouth is still the most effective form. I expect a large increase in membership over the next few months, from hopefully an even larger and more diverse base of people.

Referral Contest: Was surprisingly a huge bust. There was a 7-way tie for first - only seven people referred anyone; one each! Actually, the biggest referrer was Mark Nance of Teleflora, who many of you are aware has his customer service team reading this board daily to learn more about the way florists think and what we need. I couldn't give him the prize, because people think I'm a little too TF friendly already :)

Of the 7 referred people, only a couple posted or made return visits. With such weak participation I couldn't justify a prize. Maybe in the future we'll try that idea again.

Just a tip: Every Dove message I sent has an invitation to visit FlowerChat. People I meet get a copy of my FlowerChat business card. Word of mouth spreads the message that FlowerChat is the place to be!
Mmmmm I will add the flower chat address to allof my outgoing orders to florist. I never thought about doing it until you mentioned it.
Good idea, Ryan.

We like the idea of the board a lot and will do the same on Dove messages.

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