New POS Terms of Use and other info

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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Recently the constant pickering and personal attacks about floral POS software have done much to cloud what could be fruitful and informative discussion. Since warnings have not sufficed, FlowerChat has taken action and restricted forum access for certain offenders. The hope is that by keeping these "gladiators" in their corners the real issues and questions may be addressed.

New Terms of Use

Since it is impossible to create an accurate and fair head-to-head comparison chart of POS features for each software package, FlowerChat is attempting to compile the following information:

Each software provider will be asked to provide a list of their Top 10 features, and all relevant contact information for their system. This compiled list will be posted in the POS forum, with links to each system's user forum on FlowerChat. Detailed questions about each system should be posted in the approriate forum, where users and staff members of that platform can respond.

General questions may still be posted in the POS forum, but no antagonistic or derogatory comments will be tolerated. Posters are encouraged to discuss the strengths of the system they endorse and avoid disparaging remarks of any kind. In short, talk about what your program does well - not what the other programs may not do.

Users who fail to comply will be banned from posting in the tech forums.

We realize that POS decisions are amongst the most important a florist must make for the operation of their business. It is vital to provide accurate, positive information and not have the issues clouded by personal vendettas.

The feature list referenced above will be posted once a sufficient number of parties have contributed their information.
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Will this list have a company profile as well?

I think there is more pertinent information a potential POS buyer needs to know along with a top '10' list of features. Such as....

Years in business, number of users, location of users, monthly fee's, accurate pricing, what modules are included,
system requirements, do you own or lease the software, installation costs...etc, etc...

How will this list be sent to you?
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allison mauro said:
Will this list have a company profile as well?

You have the ability to post anything you wish (regarding your specific platform) in the forum specific to the company involved. Posting by non-users, or company employees in other tech forums will not be allowed.

In the list of the "Top 10" you will have the ability to list and link back to the FlowerSoft web site to fully explain everything you feel necessary.
BOSS said:
You have the ability to post anything you wish (regarding your specific platform) in the forum specific to the company involved. Posting by non-users, or company employees in other tech forums will not be allowed.

In the list of the "Top 10" you will have the ability to list and link back to the FlowerSoft web site to fully explain everything you feel necessary.

I understand I have the ability to post anything I wish in the flowerSoft forum.
But I think the questions I asked should be included in Ryan's top "10" comparison. So potential users can have answers to what I hear all the time as the top "10" frequently asked questions by potential clients. It would make their search a little easier rather than going to all websites and trying to get these answers.
Thread Advisory

As an advisory, this thread is a FlowerChat TOU announcement, regarding technology. I have removed all posts that were not in keeping with the spirit of this thread as it is one that will be available indefinately to all users of the FlowerChat Community.

There was nothing personal behind the edit, simply clearing out some un-needed comments. Any technology partner can ask questions here regarding the TOU below. THis thread is not for "touting" any platform.

Thank you for your understanding and participation in OUR Community.
BOSS said:
As an advisory, this thread is a FlowerChat TOU announcement, regarding technology. I have removed all posts that were not in keeping with the spirit of this thread as it is one that will be available indefinately to all users of the FlowerChat Community.

There was nothing personal behind the edit, simply clearing out some un-needed comments. Any technology partner can ask questions here regarding the TOU below. THis thread is not for "touting" any platform.

Thank you for your understanding and participation in OUR Community.

Why did you remove my post? It was regarding the terms of use..
POS comparison chart...

allison mauro said:
Why did you remove my post? It was regarding the terms of use..

Before my post was deleted by Boss..

I said, I do not know how George feels about it, but I for one am NOT comfortable having Ryan, a MAS employee, being the keeper of the POS comparison chart. I have seen what he does by banning George when facts and opinions are NOT going the way he likes it.
allison mauro said:
Before my post was deleted by Boss..

I said, I do not know how George feels about it, but I for one am NOT comfortable having Ryan, a MAS employee, being the keeper of the POS comparison chart. I have seen what he does by banning George when facts and opinions are NOT going the way he likes it.

Would that mean, you think there is some honesty in question here?

That's a fairly serious insult for your host for providing a board that has been well known as not the flowerchat board but the flowersoft board.

Also funny that you say things weren't going Ryan's way when really they weren't going George's way and basically Ryan should be thanked for stopping hm from embarassing himself more. Ryan didn't even get into the fray, or enter into it.

How will you do tech support without this board???
Thanks Ryan.

Your POS Forums idea, along with rules of conduct, should help countless florists who are looking for POS systems. As far as I know, FlowerChat will be the only place in our industry a retail florist can come to and get help on choosing a POS system amongst different vendors. FlowerChat just continues to get better and better!

BOSS, boy you were right about the bullets.

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bloomz said:
Would that mean, you think there is some honesty in question here?

I would say integrity.

That's a fairly serious insult for your host for providing a board that has been well known as not the flowerchat board but the flowersoft board.

So is Ryan exempt from any criticism because he is the host of the board?

And it is also a serious insult for Ryan to ban George and not answer to why George was singled out.

Also funny that you say things weren't going Ryan's way when really they weren't going George's way and basically Ryan should be thanked for stopping hm from embarassing himself more. Ryan didn't even get into the fray, or enter into it.

I see it differently. There was a debate going on between George and a few others. Ryan didn't like MAS being challenged and he 'silenced' George.
In what way did George embarass himself? by answering each post intelligently without using any derogatory comments towards ONE post that warranted ONLY George being banned.

How will you do tech support without this board???

The same thing we have done BEFORE the board, please!
We don't 'need' this board for support. Are you kidding me. It is done here for convenience of some of the posters .
allison mauro0 said:
I for one am NOT comfortable having Ryan, a MAS employee, being the keeper of the POS comparison chart.

I ask you to re-think that statement.

I believe Ryan has long had forums here for all major florist POS platforms and these were established well before MAS, in fact I believe he was working for Daisy at the time they were created. Did that prevent him from offering a place where anyone could come and discuss his 'competitors?' No!

His long-standing record of open-mindedness and support of lively debate is beyond reproach. He has demonstrated his fairness over and over again.

IMO, the time outs were appropriately handled and Ryan's solution to prevent this board from descending into POS-itively irritating sniping again is well conceived.

It's easy to say things in the heat of conflict so I hope you'll retract those words.

Edited your post CHR?

Yep I knew I should have used "your quote" to show your mis-name but I wanted folks to think that I was just sturring up stuff.

Bling Bling..
CHR said:

I ask you to re-think that statement.

I believe Ryan has long had forums here for all major florist POS platforms and these were established well before MAS, in fact I believe he was working for Daisy at the time they were created. Did that prevent him from offering a place where anyone could come and discuss his 'competitors?' No!

His long-standing record of open-mindedness and support of lively debate is beyond reproach. He has demonstrated his fairness over and over again.

IMO, the time outs were appropriately handled and Ryan's solution to prevent this board from descending into POS-itively irritating sniping again is well conceived.

It's easy to say things in the heat of conflict so I hope you'll retract those words.


Maybe I would retract my words if Ryan would answer the question of why GEORGE was the ONLY one, as you say 'timed out'

I don't believe I am saying anything in the 'heat of conflict'. I believe I am right in doubting Ryan's integrity after he silenced ONLY George and will NOT step up to the plate and answer why...
CHR said:
I don't believe George was the only one. Maybe the other(s) just chose to be quiet about it out of respect for the board and the moderator. I have no inside knowlege but did notice more than one absense yesterday. I *think* you've jumped to a big, incorrect conclusion.

Just so you know, George was the ONLY one. GFLORAL was in the flowerSoft forum posting away while George was silenced. GFLORAL admitted he was as 'guilty' as the others, short of asking why he was not banned.

Personally, I don't think the thread warranted anyone being banned.
AFAICT no one has been 'banned.' Wasn't the purpose to allow for a 'cooling off' and to prevent further escalation?

I give GFloral a lot of credit for his remark. At least he recognized that the 'heat' was over the top. Might do well if others would acknowlegde the same and apologize instead of pointing fingers.
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CHR said:
AFAICT no one has been 'banned.' Wasn't the purpose to allow for a 'cooling off' and to prevent further escalation?

I give GFloral a lot of credit for his remark. At least he recognized that the 'heat' was over the top. Might do well if others would acknowlegde the same and apologize instead of pointing fingers.

I totally agree.
You apparently didn't notice that George was the one who just wouldn't let it die, did you??? Nor is this the first time with that same old ridiculous demand.

Ryan's integrity, huh? wow
bad form
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