Unfortunate trouble

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Please don't count your chickens before they hatch. Was in a very bad car wreck (30yrs ago) Took three years to bring to a close. Attorneys
they come off like fat cats( 1/3 off the top,before bills get paid,you come dead last if there is any left) So take a breath, hope you come out on the good side of the getting.
Time to post an update on condition.

Both mom and I are doing fairly well. We had a follow-up with the orthopedist this past Wednesday and although he has not yet released me as a patient, he did certify me able to return to full duties as far as work is concerned and He did certify as healed enough to return to driving.

Mom is healing well, although she has to be in a wheelchair most of the time as her bones are so fragile and brittle that untill her bones are fully healed, he does not yet want her to put any weight on the broken leg. We are both having good bone re-growth.

Right now, the biggest hindrance to getting out to find work.......as I said earlier, NOBODY in the greater Columbia, SC area is hiring. According to the scuttlebut, which I discount a good bit as rumor and fallacy.....even the shop that I was with is not doing well.....that the designer's he took from other shops in the area are now searching for greener pastures. As to how much is truth and how much is fallacy, I have no clue. However, I can say this.......If he gets desperate enough to contact me again......He better have more than a substantial sum.

Anyway, before I went onto a tangent, the biggest hindrance to getting out and finding work is lack of dependable transportation.....and the fact that Mom needs to have someone here at the house to act as somewhat of a caregiver. Currently, I have been doing that.

However, Once I can work out the caregiver situation, I do have a great job possibility. There again, Even that possibilty is tenous at best, considering how much traveling I would need to from there to here to attend to doctor's visits, consults with the attorneys, court appearances - which I am sure will have to happen eventually.
Wishing you all the best, Rick. Are you going to A & B in Charlotte on the 30th for their spring design show?
I did not even know about it. I doubt it very seriously. I wish I could...it would help with CEU's, but I don't know of a single shop that is going that I could go with.
Well, come and go with one of my designers and me! Or meet us there.
What he said but.....

I send into the Cosmic thoughts that your healing continues and returns you to wholeness.


I send you the same as what Doug sent, but it is double strength cause it comes from the heart of Texas. Amen.

All the best
Thanks for the well wishes. Now, to seek out a wiser head than mine to try and help me to figure out the best thing to do.
Well, come and go with one of my designers and me! Or meet us there.

If I can get a way up there, I'd like to go. Right now, we are without any transportation because our other car is in the shop. And even under the best circumstances, this particular car is NOT one that I would trust any length of trip.
Well, Some Great News and a FABULOUS Christmas Present.

After almost a full year - The end of the accident settlement process in in sight. At approximately 8:30 am Wednesday, December 24th, I have an appointment at the attorney's office to collect the first settlement check. While I cannot divulge the exact amount, I can say that Mom and I combined will have in pocket ( after all bills and fees ) just barely below the two hundred fifty thousand mark.
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Awesome news Rick - good luck on whatever adventure you choose to apply it to.

And always remember my creedo (stolen from Pink Floyd of course)

- All you Touch and All you See - is All Your Life Will Ever Be.....
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Ricky, I know that you will be glad to have this all behind you so that you can get on with your life. Take care, Friend.
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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you !!!!!!!!!! Hide it from your self and take a little time to think, be wise my friend. It would burn a hole in my hand!!!HAHA Everybody's gonna what to be your friend.:kuddle:
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......AND I had a call on my caller id from a shop. When I called them back, even better news, they need some last minute holiday help at crunch time and have asked, "Ricky....HELP"
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Thanks Goodie - Te accident happened 13 days into 2008.
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