Well I'm gonna say it...

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The picture Thom posted was to evoke and portray the feeling of exclusion. What do you feel when you see that picture? I felt the all too familiar feeling of being excluded and no bones about it the desired point the sign was making. The sign clearly states who is not wanted in the community. So his use of the sign to make his point was a very simple and direct one. Could he have chosen to write a novel of words that some may pass over? Sure he could have...but from what I have come to know of Thom on the boards is that he's direct yet simple in his message. He's always provoking thought, inspiring ideas in whatever topic it may be.

I didn't feel the least bit insulted nor disgusted that he posted that.

Speaking on the newbie end in the industry, not as a newbie to the boards, it is very apparent at times that I (or rather new people to the industry) am looked down on in a way. There are times where there are posts with outright rude things being said and I have gotten things behind the scenes telling me some not so nice things. Now IF I had let those things be the sole basis of the industry I would have chosen to not pursue the floral industry let alone designing. I'm not that kind of person to give up easily. So I overlook those things, don't respond really to them and don't encourage them. I may not have 5+years experience in the floral industry but I do have experience in other areas. Could that possibly benefit someone here? Maybe I don't know...only you know when you read anything I post. Just as I know when I read others' posts if it benefits me or not.

And yes, I may have posted some things , Bloomz, that you may not like in the chat area....but it was in the CHAT area. Not the more professional areas. I thought to invoke a bit of fun because lately everyone has been a bit down on the boards...some having to close, some having to worry about closing, others facing some serious life issues. If I could give a bit of relief in a laugh or just plain no "real thought give the brain a break" then what is the harm in that??

Everyone is valuable- none more, none less than any other. :)
ironical (a bushism) isn't it.

four pages of non-floristry posts complaining about threads not having to deal with floristy stuff. :rolleyes:

I don't mind the chat stuff, but I can see how some new people might feel unwelcomed around here. I remember when I first joined, this place did seem a bit "clubish".

But, that was because I didn't know any of you. I can remember arguing with jb all the time, but now he is one of my closest friends here at FC.

My suggestion for newbies, get involved in the relevant flower shop threads, and let other members get to know you that way. hth.

How about restricting the number of posts one can post per day? Like 5 per day per person? 5 should be enough, right?

That's censorship.....no thanks! :)

I love reading what Bloomz writes even though there are sprinkles of anti Bush in it....I love reading what Joe writes..... I would not like to see anyone become censored.
Good post Joe. Well, I am a newbie (feel like one anyway - there is no judge on who is a newbie that I know of), and felt the same thing about the clubbish feel at the beginning, and have had PMs from other newbies on this very thing as well.

It seems a little exclusive to start, but we have to realize that many here are BIG in the industry, know each other, have met and had social gatherings together, so yes, there is a clique. Does it matter, not really. One day that will be us, after we have paid our dues.

What advice I would have to offer everyone is to filter out what you feel is useful, and post as much as you can in your relevant areas.

My original post on this issue after Bloomz started it, was meant to show a slight frustration with my own time availability and the fact that I can't learn from you all fast enough for my own liking! I am a relative newbie to the industry as well. Who knew that there were so many interesting, frustrating, fascinating, strange and beguiling nuances to the flower business! (You absolutely can't learn this stuff on your own)

I don't think the board should be changed at all. That being said, I would ask everyone to place posts in their most relevant categories, and make sure that business related posts are in the business area, true chat is in the chat area etc.

I'll throw this out there once. I personally tend to overstate myself in posts a little bit, to drive the conversation even deeper! Sure, I am wrong sometimes (some may say often...), but the truth is, you don't learn anything from being right all the time!
Most of us are guilty for posting non floral related things from time to time. It's just part of being creative, sometimes you find funny things that you'd like to share with the rest of the community.

I think putting chips on a sandwich has just as much to do with floral design as, say, a picture of a living room where the photographer also accidentally captured two dogs humping (;)). Sure, it's funny and I love the posts in the joke section but- what does it have to do with running a flower shop or floral design?
Good post Joe. Well, I am a newbie (feel like one anyway - there is no judge on who is a newbie that I know of), and felt the same thing about the clubbish feel at the beginning, and have had PMs from other newbies on this very thing as well.

It seems a little exclusive to start, but we have to realize that many here are BIG in the industry, know each other, have met and had social gatherings together, so yes, there is a clique. Does it matter, not really. One day that will be us, after we have paid our dues.

What advice I would have to offer everyone is to filter out what you feel is useful, and post as much as you can in your relevant areas.

My original post on this issue after Bloomz started it, was meant to show a slight frustration with my own time availability and the fact that I can't learn from you all fast enough for my own liking! I am a relative newbie to the industry as well. Who knew that there were so many interesting, frustrating, fascinating, strange and beguiling nuances to the flower business! (You absolutely can't learn this stuff on your own)

I don't think the board should be changed at all. That being said, I would ask everyone to place posts in their most relevant categories, and make sure that business related posts are in the business area, true chat is in the chat area etc.

I'll throw this out there once. I personally tend to overstate myself in posts a little bit, to drive the conversation even deeper! Sure, I am wrong sometimes (some may say often...), but the truth is, you don't learn anything from being right all the time!

Great post.
Food for thought

I've posted a screen shot below of the latest discussions in the Chat forum, the one described as
bloomz said:
rife, full of, overrun with inane baloney that has utterly nothing to do with flowers or floristry.
I see 25 threads that all seemed to have garnered some interest, with one generating more than 100 posts and and more than 1200 page views.

Half have more than 100 page views.

Some are social, some are sad and intensely personal, some are informational and others are philosophical. I honestly don't see them as described above and doubt the folks who started those threads feel that way either.

Something to think about....


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I feel the reason so many post lately is that they are trying to keep calm in the wake of the storm! I think that people are just looking for something to do in their idle down time, (which is considerable right now for me a freelance designer)
so I visit and enjoy reading these numerous postings. I was a touch flustered with the amount of newbies laterly, but thats what theya re coming here for...some conversation about something WE ALL love and support the flower industry.
There are so many large, medium, and smaller shops involved here, and I for one enjoy the "opinions vary" on posts. This causes on to think aobut whats been posted and for better or worst, it starts avenues of creativity and expression.
I love hearing the business aspects, I love the designs, I love reading that someone has recently taken the plunge into floral design and the industry.
We are faced with challenges that many of us never considered, some are adapting some are not, some look to many of our "Industry Notable" who share there hard worked inside info...where can we go to secure that type of communication.
I think it is Flower Chat!
This has been an eye opener for me today, how many of you view the board.
I am surprised by some of your responces, but I just remember thats what makes this board unique, special and informative. When can you in the course of a day, learn that:
Bloomzie, loves rassberry danish in his ass..."opinions vary"...so true.
He and Twila were some of the first real florist I worked with years ago at Rose Parade, SAF and such, they have worked hard to get to today. But I have to day that I was surprised by his post, being such a computer savy guy. I respectfully disagree, but I still respect and admire he andTwila!

CHR-is making novelty designs, showing that even the most talented of us are working every angle to make her business work.

Boss-for his even, level headed approach to business.

RC- for showing us ways to make flowers avaialble for everyone.

Dragonfly-for sharing his wealth of info on events, as other florist who never get this type of opportrunity to join, him and showing them how to execute, produce and design a high end event. BRAVO.

Aileen C, Tracy D-showing that a little fun helps out those who need it in a empty day, alone at home or at the shop.

Duanemb, Victoria, Luc and all our Canadians showing us support and offering numerous way they cope with business .

There are many others that I feel I know just from their posts and commnets.

My point is I think that the Strider Group developed this forum as a way to express our different view points and have aplace to go to discuss things 24 hours. This place sure beats the others that have gone on before it.

I love Flower Chat...I know you do too.

(Off my soap box now, and back to the chatter...thanks to each of you for giving me something to think about, laugh and ponder. )
So now I'm accused of not having a sense of humor. Like I would never post a joke or anything like that.



Sorry I guess I just get tired of some monopolizing the conversation....guess I'm the only one.


I need coffee. And maybe a Raspberry Danish stuffed up my ass.

Morning all

I've had to ease up reading and posting for a couple of reasons over the past week.
I really was spending too much time here and not working on my website, but also there have been monopolizing posts that are monopolizing the boards that could have been easily answered by a search. Most of these posts are not from extreemly new members who don't know the system. I welcome the new members and want to help any of them find there way around. A lot of these monopolizing posts are narcissistic, attention getting and blow-holing 'look-at-my-latest-creation' posts. The show-boating is making me ill and it is frustating because I am running business and not competing in a beauty pageant. (This is not a design argument)
Shannon has valid points and I miss the tips from the masters. I don't know if they've slowed up on posting or are just harder to find in the muck.
Cathy, you are correct about the evolution of our changing population-we will have to adapt and grow.
Bloomz-I'm going for a decaf and the strawberry danish. I'm sure plenty of folks will want to shove it up my arse as well.
Bloomz, Alison.....You sure you want this up your arse???

Ok let's get back to FlowerChat!!!


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I've posted a screen shot below of the latest discussions in the Chat forum, the one described as I see 25 threads that all seemed to have garnered some interest, with one generating more than 100 posts and and more than 1200 page views.

Half have more than 100 page views.

Some are social, some are sad and intensely personal, some are informational and others are philosophical. I honestly don't see them as described above and doubt the folks who started those threads feel that way either.

Something to think about....

I know, I have, and that's why I feel it's a shame that I feel the need to block it - I too like the socializing aspect of this board.

Or I could start posting pictures of dogs humping 50 or 100 times a day...

But I forgot - I don't have a sense of humor, but I do have a Raspberry Danish.

Have I mentioned that I pooped this morning?
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You know, another approach to all of this. One could easily pm an admin person and ask how to ignore things instead of announcing it to the whole board. That way it wouldn't cause strife within the community. Just an FYI.
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I have to conclude you must have been frustrated when you started this thread... or just overwhelmed. Wasn't it you who posted the humping dogs (which btw was hilarious)? And isn't your post just above an example of the kind of post you're objecting to?

I'm confused. I feel like we're friends here, and it's fun to share silliness. But I understand if you're saying there's just too much of it lately. I have been trying to back off and not add to it much.

Eat that lovely danish.. don't put it... um, there. :)
A lot of these monopolizing posts are narcissistic, attention getting and blow-holing 'look-at-my-latest-creation' posts.
One woman's show boating is another woman's (or man's) idea on how to successfully and creatively problem solve on-the-fly.

I hope members DO share work product and strut their stuff - both here and to the public. If you don't promote your own work, no one else will.

I hope members DO share their victories, in life and in the shop. There are too many defeats not to relish in a few moments of joy.

We are a community. Sharing is what we do.
That's censorship.....no thanks! :)

I love reading what Bloomz writes even though there are sprinkles of anti Bush in it....I love reading what Joe writes..... I would not like to see anyone become censored.

Some need to be censored. Some feel the need to reply to every thread ~ sometimes more than once. I think limiting daily posts would be great. That way no one could spam the board with their extraordinary insight.

Bloomz ~ You should have put this in another forum so the cranky members could green dot you and nominate this for thread of the week.

This is a floral web site. Do I post non-floral topics? Yes, but not on a daily basis. I, too have been considering blocking 2-3 members. Eliminating a few could reduce your daily posts by at least 50.

...Getting on the cranky train...and just too busy for all the fluff.
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