Well I'm gonna say it...

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It's done.....Enjoy your cash!!!
I sent it back to ya - I was joking hon.
Well I wasn't....it was a gift!
How to Ignore a Forum

I think it used to be in "forum tools" at the forum header, but not any more. It's in your User CP options.

Go to User CP.
Go to "Edit Options."
Scroll to bottom, you'll see a big dialog box thingy. Highlight the forums you want to ignore. I think to choose more than one you have to hold your ctrl key.
Save changes.

I agree there are way more posts than I have time to read. I scan titles (completely ignoring those that say "i need your help" or any other uselessly vague titles.

Now every time I leave I "MARK FORUMS READ". Otherwise it's like my never-ending to do pile, just accumulating & accumulating. Thanks BigTed for that tip a while ago - the hope is that stuff that is worthwhile will rise to the top for my next visit. ;)

If I have some extra time, or am intrigued by the title, I'll read the fluff. For the same reason I watch the Housewives shows - diversion. Sometimes diversion is useful, and absolutely necessary.
I 100% absolutely agree that there has been a lot more "BS" than meat and potatoes florist talk as of late.

So what. If I don't feel like reading it, I skip it. I have never read all the new posts. I don't care about all the new posts. I don't feel obligated to read them.

I will also say I think a lot of why the "substance" has been lost is a lot of the vets, the well respected Vets, have flat out said they are no longer posting and sharing as much as they used to because of the members they feel don't belong here.

When I first wrote my intro letter a year ago, every time I logged on there were certain FC members posts that I ate up like candy, I hung on every word they wrote.. Such as RC, RWK, CHR, Eric, Bloomz, Twila, Joe, the Queen, Tracy (then known as Tracy pie face), Navy, Victoria, Carol, Rhonda, Connie, Erlene,,,you get the picture...
and BTW, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, just saying that when I was a newbie, those vets are the posts that I would get excited to see!

As the board has grown and more non traditional florists have become members there are just a lot less big discussions about florist stuff, A LOT less design related stuff, Which is always my favorite thing to chime in on!

There is usually lots of website stuff, and for me, since I don't own the shop, that stuff is ok, but it doesn't get me as excited as seeing posts or new threads about design.

There's also been a lot of "doing unique design is unimportant" and "oh yes it is" banter,,, that can get old...
I think there is a definite need for diversity in every shop.

I also believe that with the economy the way it is everyone is a bit more cranky, and a bit more sensitive. We are all trying to protect our livelihood, nothing wrong with that! But when we get so guarded and stop sharing ideas, weather we agree or not, you're bound to get a lot more "filler" threads.

I cannot express enough how much I appreciate FC. The networking and friends I have made here is worth all the stuff I don't care for. Honestly though, I don't sweat the silly stuff, sometimes I offer up a silly bit or two!

Bloomz, I'm sending you a cyber hug (((hug)))
You have always been one of my favorites, even when we argue ;)
I totally agree with him, I know it is hard with things right now, and we do need sense of humor, and I do love that part, it makes my day, but I think and know there are lots of important issues, and yes I do call and help out and the ones that do call I do help them as well, and As no offense, But who really cares about some of the craoploa I have seen lately, Not to sound as a prude, Well yes I am, so some of the things have no bearance, and the important things, also oh well, I won't go on, the ones know what I am talking about...
This is how it feels to try to fit in here with this community.
:confused:reallly? That's the biggest load of crock I've read on here in a long time. This community welcomes alllllll kinds of floral related people who are in the business of flowers. We disagree on it all the time, yet because it's a relatively democratic place, everyone gets their way to an extent. If a newbie feels intimated to speak, take a grown up pill and get over it. Welcome to the world of networking - I feel a pit in my stomach whenever I do my intro at meetings, BUT I DO IT because I NEED TO.
I usually scan the posts, and look for certain posters. For example, I always read whatever you're talking about, Jon, because you are always interesting and, shall we say, ready for battle.

I do the same. It's a shame, because it's come to the point where I mostly scan for posts by certain posters.

Oh well, it's part of the deal.
Bloomz, Of course you have a point, and there is a lot of fluff sometimes. That being said, I have to call you out on it a bit too. You love a good, spirited debate and the WS, OG thing gets you going. However, sometimes you rain on the design parade, and you don't post in some places unless there is an argument to be had. After the mini movement for people to not post (the PROS vs. the BB's debate) I think a lot of people took your lead (or think they did) and decided not to participate. It's a shame. You are intelligent, witty, and give lots of good advise. You obviously run a great shop, have accomplished a lot, and have learned some things along the way. Maybe part of your boredom is been there done that, but surely in an everchanging market and tough ecomic times you can gain something? Start a productive thread yourself, even if it's on a subject you don't need to learn about. Throw out some I learned this along the way lines and see where it leads. Put out a tip or two and see who else will build on the thread. You big boys have a wealth of info, that won't damage your business to share, but could benefit the community, and you as well. Yeah, there's some people who might not deserve to have it handed to them, but watching the stars doesn't make you a rocket scientist, drive, determination and dedication do.

I think you influence the community here. Throw some pebbles in the pond and see what ripples you make. And see if you can break that invisible wall of those who won't post in case any secrets slip out. Maybe it's not really there, but if it is it's probably just as detrimental to the board as all the fluff and stuff. But what would I know?
:confused:reallly? That's the biggest load of crock I've read on here in a long time. This community welcomes alllllll kinds of floral related people who are in the business of flowers. We disagree on it all the time, yet because it's a relatively democratic place, everyone gets their way to an extent. If a newbie feels intimated to speak, take a grown up pill and get over it. Welcome to the world of networking - I feel a pit in my stomach whenever I do my intro at meetings, BUT I DO IT because I NEED TO.

Maybe so, but I stand on it, and I will take a grown up pill and get over it. But it's hard to break secret codes and hidden meanings, and intentions.
When I start getting pm's from newbies who tell me they don't fit in, then yes I get offended. With threads like this, I feel like puking. Now I'm sorry you that have been here for ever and have chosen to "ignore forums" but make yourselves clear so that some here won't take it personally or at least have a clue what the heck your talking about.

There is a widening gap of amazing experience here just falling through our fingers.

This is how it feels to try to fit in here with this community.

...i respectfully disagree with your racial comparison to this florist chat board. This is an open forum and EVERYONE gets to voice their opinion.

Come on dude, try not to fan the fires with this type of rhetoric.

And yes, people are sometimes intimidated when they start ANY forum, not just flowerchat.
Newbies, as I once was, have to feel their OWN way. It is not up to others to hold their hand as they venture out into life. We are not parents.

To bring RACIAL comparison is not fair to ANY current forum member. You've got to understand that.
I totally agree with him, I know it is hard with things right now, and we do need sense of humor, and I do love that part, it makes my day, but I think and know there are lots of important issues, and yes I do call and help out and the ones that do call I do help them as well, and As no offense, But who really cares about some of the craoploa I have seen lately, Not to sound as a prude, Well yes I am, so some of the things have no bearance, and the important things, also oh well, I won't go on, the ones know what I am talking about...

Maybe we don't need to totally agree with anyone. And therein lies the issue....
C'mon, Tom. As clever as you are, you can certainly think up a more appropriate analogy. (And I definitely do not agree with your assertion about new members being unwelcome.)

Shannon - Topics ebb and flow based on member interests. Please do keep conversations going about design and design ideas. Despite the ad nausem negative comments about the validity of what designers bring to a business, a bunch of us are here. :) Silencing the conversations says members buy into the BS that consumers are not interested in quality and original design.

I'm very interested in following the ideas about lowering price point - but also know that attracting the customers that want $200 and $300 'wows' sure is more profitable for us than trying to capture 10 or 15 customers who want to spend $20. But it's not an either/or, is it?

I recall one member loudly advocating we require each new FCer to be approved by the membership. This process certainly has generated the majority of new threads lately, so be careful what you wish for. ;) (BTW, it is really great to see so many new florists join us and a big thanks goes out to the members who have directly invited them.)

Ryan's 'Thread of the Week' is always a great place to start if the forums are full of new posts. Members have done a very good job of highlighting interesting and topical posts.

This type of thread shows up every so often (especially when we have an influx of new members) and it always makes wince. The forums represent interests from a cross section of retailers and just like Bama says in one of his signature rules - "Everyone is not your customer" so every post is not meant just for one member's interest.
Red dot me if you must, I can handle it, but......I guess sarcasm didn't work, so I'll try being direct:

Isn't this board about floristry?????

I guess I'll have to block the whole Chat forum cuz it's rife, full of, overrun with inane baloney that has utterly nothing to do with flowers or floristry.

I hate to do it cuz there is occasionally some stuff I'd like to know about here, but it's gotten absolutely ridiculous.

When I click new posts it seems 90% of them that come up are utter time wasters. Too much chaff - not enough wheat. I really do come here to try to figure out and learn or share ways to help business as I'm guessing are most of the others that are running businesses here. I have 13 pages of unread posts I have to mark them read cuz sorting thru them just probably isn't worth it.

But I'm sure lots of good stuff is lost in the sea of ::BS baloney. It really makes me question why I spend so much time here, but I don't want to miss something useful. It's just so hard to find these days.

Yup, opinions vary...

now does anyone remember how to block an entire forum from view?????

I tried and just couldn't find it.

Thanks for listening.:purpletea

...you know that is funny you brought this up. The past few days I have found myself not coming to flowerchat as much as normal because of the 'extra' I would have to peruse to see anything of interest. I thought about saying something but then me being mainly a lurker since my joining 10.31.02, yes.....2002--check it out, decided I had no place to voice this type opinion.

It is an OPEN forum, even if others feel diff, and that is the beauty of ryan and boss and all the others who spend so much time trying to make it better for us all. Thanks to you guys who give us the opportunity in this OPEN forum.

And bloomz, you sure know how to pick the hot ones, huh?:tongue
I'm all for a little spam :spam: it kinda adds a human element to the boards. However, too much spam gives me a stomach ache. Seems to be a lot of graffiti lately, and I'm not talking new member intros.

But I'm a realist, this is a message board and the nonsense comes with the territory. I'm annoyed, but fine with it and will deal with it.
So now I'm accused of not having a sense of humor. Like I would never post a joke or anything like that.



Sorry I guess I just get tired of some monopolizing the conversation....guess I'm the only one.


I need coffee. And maybe a Raspberry Danish stuffed up my ass.

Morning all
I got it, will say no more.

Thank you.
Let's all drop that part of the discussion.

***thanks for removing that pic. Hopefully, Tracy will do the same.***
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